So Begins Another Custom - COMPLETE


Blank Flank, Pony Thrifter
Jun 16, 2020
Lucky Lily, the custom, has been finished! Jump straight to the post!

I wasn’t going to do another custom after Heart Break (her post if interested) but I still had the hair and there has been a G3 fakie laying in a local charity shop for what feels like since last year (maybe actually start of this year though) so I thought I’d better use the hair.
The fakie was pretty horrible to touch and also full of marks
Even though I cleaned her up, the red marks wouldn’t go away. She looks like she’s been beaten up…
Then it was time to remove the painted stuff. The eye paint was strangely thick and the symbol was all flakey. Not all of the eye would come off but that’s fine, I can have a template. For some reason, there are faint marks where the hair plugs should’ve been but the fakers decided to not follow those at all. I might poke new holes but I have to make a new tail plug too

The only hair colours I have left over from Heart Break are yellow, green and orange. Green seemed to fit well but I would need to colour over all those red marks

This combo was giving me watermelon vibes or something else and the eyes seemed quite ghostly. I honestly have no ideas for her at the minute.
Everything was going very well and normally if that happens with me making something, I know something will go wrong. The coat is all smooth, the sealant is all smooth… and then I dropped the head when it was still tacky and dirt got stuck all over the side of the face.

So, I had to do it all over again. Also, I accidentally touched her leg when it was still tacky and had to go over it again. That leg is no longer smooth anymore
This is how she is at the moment:
She now gives me lily vibes so maybe I’ll do something like those? If I do, I could give her freckles like the inside of a lily… we’ll see

I’ll post updates when I go back to it. I should’ve filled in the tail plugs and make the new hole before doing the body colour and the hair plugs too… I’ll figure it out
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A quick update on my pony:
I’ve decided to go with the lily theme and call her Lucky Lily. I have came up with a cutie mark and began decorating her. At this moment in time, I had to take a break. All I have to do is finish off her eyelashes. I’ve also decided her hair may be green with yellow stripes. Also, I managed to sort out the tail hole and tried to fill in the old holes with puffy paint.
Here she is now and her original design of the cutie mark:


I had to redo the cutie mark quite a few times when doing it on the actual body and as I am no good with sizing, I know it is a bit big. I wanted it to be smaller but I ended up sealing it in case the original layer got damaged in the night somehow so I couldn’t redo it after this attempt.

Partway through doing the eyes I had noticed the whole time I was using my second smallest brush instead of my smallest brush which I needed. That was a mistake. The eyes are taking me a long time and I’m redoing and touching them up all the time. After this I will be adding new hair plugs and finally doing her hair and tail! Then Lucky Lily should be done!
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Thank you @Uftaki! :satisfied:
I just drew straight on with my paint pens. I’ve used posca pens for the whole pony. For the eyes and some parts of the cutie mark, I had to get some to get some of the paint out my pens and use a very thin brush for it. When colouring the rest of the white I used my brush posca pen then just go over a couple of times

I did originally do the outline in light green but I wanted it closer to blue and mixing the two didn’t work so it’s plain blue :smile:
Oh wow! That was free-handed? Impressive! Those paint pens allow for some remarkably fine detail, from the looks of it. If I ever do another custom, I might have to look into those. (lol)
Yep, all freehand :satisfied:
I had to do the lily and hoof heart a few times but the good thing about the pens is after I sealed the base coat, I could easily wipe the paint off if I made a mistake

A quick update on Lucky Lily!
I finished her eyes and began to put in her hair. This is how far I’ve gotten so far:

It’s back to green next.
Her hair will be cut to normal G3 length after. I am worried I won’t have enough green… I am using what I had leftover but I’m worried I won’t have enough for the tail. If I run out for the head, I may have to cut her hair early and use whatever I get off that. The good thing about alternating between yellow and green is the fact I shouldn’t run out of green too soon though!

This fakie head is a lot harder than a genuine Hasbro pony so I am having to heat up her head each time with a hairdryer. I did accidentally somehow melt two green plugs before the first yellow and I had to redo them…

These are what I’ve been using for this pony:
For the eyes, the lashes and pupil isn’t completely black. I’ve used a mix of black and dark blue just like with Heart Break because normal G3’s don’t have completely black either. I’ve accidentally made it too dark again and I must’ve not got the mix right again… she looks fine anyway.
The hoof heart is a mix of white and light blue. My lighter blue poscas didn’t seem like a comfortable enough fit so I mixed

The spray bottle is the sealant and standing next to it are the brush pens

Lucky Lily should be done very soon! :smile:
Looking great so far. You're lily really is gorgeous.
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Small update!

I’ve finished her hair. As I feared, I did run out of green… then near the end, yellow too. I had to cut her hair early and try my best to recycle hair. It was hard to get the right length but I did it. Unfortunately, I’m not too good with scissors so it didn’t go too well but I think I’ve fixed that up now.

I had to use a hairdryer to keep softening up the head because fakie heads are hard plastic. I didn’t notice it’ll soften up the paint too and one of the eyes got scraped up! But I fixed that too. Some bits needed touching up like the top lips and an eyebrow/socket but they’re fixed now too.

I have enough leftover cutoffs to make a tail thankfully but when I went to put it together, I found there are no zipties left so they’ve been ordered and will be here tomorrow and tomorrow, she shall be done

Here is a little preview of how she’ll be:
I also have new lightbox backgrounds!

I know I’ll have to take off the head again to put the tail in but I wanted to see it together with the hair.
Also, I found an extremely thin and ruined hair plug right on top of her head that I wasn’t aware of before but I’ve put glue inside the head and it’s all dried now… and I don’t have much green left at all… hmm… I might be able to overlook that
I just love her colors! So vibrant and floral.
I just love her colors! So vibrant and floral.
Thank you! :satisfied:

Lucky Lily is finished!

Her tail is thicker than I expected it to be because when I first put it in, it was too small for the tail hole so I used the rest of the leftover hair to thicken it up a bit to fill the hole but it’s still a good enough thickness for a G3. I also put some nail varnish over her eyes (but not the white) to give the slight shine a G3 has. I had Royal Ribbon out anyway for helping do the eyes so I took it from that.

I tried to fix the thin green hair plug with a bit of leftover green hair and it sort of worked. It’s a bit funny around the area though but still fine

I an really pleased with how she’s turned out. I have achieved what I wanted and that was to make a convincing G3 custom while also using up all the hair I had. All I have left is a few thin scraps of yellow and green that won’t complete any pony and still a lot of orange hair. Maybe I’ll find another and make a ginger pony? I don’t plan to make another custom right now again but I would like to use that orange up. She is my second custom and I am very happy with her

Like with Heart Break, she can have a G3 backcard story too

Birthday month: August
Favourite colour: Light orange
Favourite flower: Lilies, of course!
Favourite thing to do: Playing pranks and fooling my friends!

As she is made from a fakie, I imagine that she likes to play pretend to trick other ponies a lot.
Here is an extra picture of Lucky Lily with some lilies that are growing in the garden. Unfortunately, the pink lilies that inspired her that were on the dining room table had wilted way before she was complete
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Beautiful! I love her backstory.
She looks wonderful! Such lovely, vibrant colours! You did a great job with her. :)
I really like bright colours so I’m glad they work well together
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