✧・゚* what's some of the coolest MLP merch you've seen/found?

eBay probably had it taken down.
@StormMaeker - I don't think we ever found out, lol. It was nightmare fuel, that's for sure!

You're right! I found the thread. Sadly the auction link is missing:

reading that thread i am actually disgusted, yet intrigued- i really wish i could've seen that LOL
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We never did find out if someone bought that thing, wish someone had saved the pictures from that so future generations could see it in all its glory!
To answer the thread’s title question, I don’t think I’ve found any cool merch that I can think of but I did find a G3 party pack in a charity shop. I should’ve got it to see the Fluttershy poster but I didn’t and when I went back to get it, it was gone. I can’t find it online either
Quoting my own post here because I just found exactly what it was I saw in the charity shop unexpectedly online. I wasn’t even searching for it at all. Here it is:

Now I know what the poster looked like! Wow, I really should have got it, I think it was only 20p…