Does it feel hopeless to you?


Sparkle Pony
Jun 22, 2005
All those posts about ponycancer and most of us has probably discoverd ponies in our own collections with ponycancer.

To me it start to feel kind of hopeless. Like, what's the point in buying them when they all get cancer? It feels like that in another 25 years they will all have cancer since plastic ages and goes bad.
It seems like it happends no matter what conditions you keep them in.

Is it just me who is extremely pesimistic and take this out in advance or is it really a possibility that all of them will sooner or later get cancer? =(
I feel the same way. None of my ponies have cancer, but I'm paranoid now. And I'm really starting to wonder what the point is, if they're all going to deteriorate away
Yeah, it freaks me out...I want to keep my ponies forever and have them cremated with me :) okay well maybe not THAT...but I've spent alot of time and money into collecting and I would hate to see cancer on my ponies. It's weird...not even plastic is safe from disease these days...
meh. i like them anyways.
Hi there,

Mintys Mommy said:
To me, that's like saying, why love someone if they're going to die anyway? :(

I know they won't be perfect forever (I collect M and NM), but that's OK with me. I can pass on to others; all ponies deserve love. :D

If you ever see a little girl's face light up holding a ratty, baity pony you'll understand. They don't care about highlighter, cancer, any of it. They love their pony no matter what.


I agree with Mintys Mommy. I collect ponies of any condition. It shouldn't matter what you see on the outside of the pony - if it has sentimental value to you, that's all that really does matter. What ever happened to the little thing in people's sigs: "I still love ponies with cancer"? :(

-- Yuixe
I love my ponies and I always will. Cancer or no cancer :D I will always collect them and maybe one day I will have a daughter that will love them as much as I do :D
I know I feel the exact same way. One day i look at my ponies and there they are another has been plagued. Its so sad, i hate things aging. Even all my old non pony toys, stored in great condition are deteriorating. I cant think about this anymore, its making me really upset. :cry:
I'm not letting it bother me. I will do what I can do keep them safe, but I'm not ripping off pony heads and trying to put bleach on them. I just haven't the time.
I myself prefer the bodies to be kind of "well-loved" anyway. As long as the hair is silky, I don't really care if the symbols are rubbed or if there are marks on the body. It makes for snuggable, loveable ponies that I don't have to worry about :).
I agree, it is frightening but if ponies make you happy (like they do for me!) I won't worry about it.

I don't think ponies will go bad as long as you take care of them now. Just think about it, some of these ponies are more than 20 years old already and they still look great at their age. The best thing to do is to prevent a breakout. Which is why i started cleaning all my rare ponies. I'm in the process of beheading them right now, lolz :D. I bleached their inside and clean their outside with soft scrub with bleach to prevent any bacteria buildup in them. Just make sure you don't expose them to the sun and don't contain them in a sealed container and i think they should be good.
Desert_Rose said:
All those posts about ponycancer and most of us has probably discoverd ponies in our own collections with ponycancer.

To me it start to feel kind of hopeless. Like, what's the point in buying them when they all get cancer? It feels like that in another 25 years they will all have cancer since plastic ages and goes bad.
It seems like it happends no matter what conditions you keep them in.

Is it just me who is extremely pesimistic and take this out in advance or is it really a possibility that all of them will sooner or later get cancer? =(

I don't know if it happens no matter what-- all of my childhood ponies are in excellent condition and have never had any type of mold or mildew growth on them, or show any signs of deterioration. Maybe I was just lucky. But mostly, it's been the ponies I've picked up in charity shops and garage sales that were the ones with those problems. I think, while this may not always be the case, a big factor is how well the pony has taken care of. I really don't recall any of my plastic toys deteriorating (as I have a fair few from my childhood, and I'm nearly 22 now).

But with that said, I collect ponies because I think they're cute. If 25 years from now, my childhood G1 ponies and new G3 ponies deterioriate.. at least I've gotten a lot of joy out of collecting them and whatnot, and hopefully my future children will be able to get a lot of fond memories out of them-- that's what matters most to me. =]
Well, I'm a neatfreak. I want everything around me perfect. And I hate that I spend a lot on them to buy them mint and then poof, there's cancer.
I don't like the look of cancerspots... Not as the perfectionist I am.

And I don't think it's quite fair to say that it's the same thing as not loving someone because you are afraid of them dying.
I don't spend tons and tons of money on the people I like to have them in my life. With humans I get the same thing but for free. And humasn are completely different. They give me a lot more than ponies. Ponies are just plastic toys that don't really give me love to say it roughly. But it's true. There's a HUGE dirfference between humans and ponies. No matter how much you might like the ponies.

I love them as well, but the "sane" person inside me, tells me that it's idiotic to throw out that much money on them if they are all going to get ruind right beafore my eyes. That's like throwing money down the drain.

And I'm sorry if I'm gonna sound childlish now and rude but... - I don't care if children like baits and they get happy with them. I don't. I don't "like" baits and I don't want my ponies to be that way. And that is what matters too me. I' mean, I don't look at my ponies with cancer and think: "Oh well, a child will like them but I dont... So I keep them"
That's why I sold all the ones with cancer in my collection and a re replacing them...

I'm sorry I'm whining, but I just feel it's kind of hopeless.

But I guess I have to enjoy them for now and see where things goes :)
Oh boy, this is something that I can ramble ON and ON and ON about... NOTHING lasts forever, not even diamonds!! Sooner or later, everything will die/disintigrate/degrade/be blown up by the sun's eventual explosion, thus, why worry about WHEN it will, just enjoy it before it does. None of my ponies have cancer, though Pinwheel and Party Time do have the usual dots, but I'm not worried about if it spreads to my others. I've got two shelves for G1's, the NM/M ponies, and the ones in lower condition. Of course, there is my nightstand w/ my variants and Dabble, but they're all in quite excellent condition. If you're really that concerned about the fact that eventually, EVERYTHING WILL be destroyed/cease to exist, then don't bother to collect anything.

Does anybody think I'm too pessimistic?? It's true, though, someday everything will cease to exist, whether blown up by the exploding sun, and have degraded so much it turns into dust. o_O I myself hope that I'll be long gone before my ponies start to disintigrate, and that they'll remain in good condition for a very long time. Not like I'd really care what condition they're in, since I'll never sell them. Uh, I can't think of anything else to say that's constructive, so yeah, I'm done boring everyone. :D
Everything dies eventually. Even if you collect something like books - paper will eventually disintergrate (sp?) and turn into dust. The only thing that hasnt been known to completely disintergate is things like leather, metal, jewellery and earthenware, as ones from the Roman and bronze age are still being found today. But even still, the millions did exist then are still not all still around today.

The point is, whether we like it or not, ponies (or indeed most of the things we collect) will not last forever. We should be enjoying them here and now; if you are sad about the fact maybe it is time that you started collecting something a bit more long lasting.

Nobody knows how long plastic will last, as unlike paper, porcelain and other "normal" collectables, plastic is a modern 20th century invention. But we can probably say that they will be around for at least the next 20 years - Bakerlite (an early form of plastic) is still around and even early Barbies (who are also made out of plastic) from the '50s and '60s are still around too. The most important thing is to enjoy them and store them correctly.

I dont think we should worry about severe deteriotion until we are in our 80's, by then we are on our last legs to even care.
I know that nothing lasts forever.

But the things I have around me and spend money on (stuff that is) I wish would last at least untill I die and won't be able to give a crap about it.
But for now, when I'm alive, I wish they would last since I spent money on them. If they get ruind and soo on after I die I don't care about and I know that it will eventually happen. I just wish that that eventually won't happen when I'm around and can be upset over that my mint ponies that I spent so much money on get ruind.
*sigh* If you don't want to spend money on ponies if you're so afraid that they'll be ruined before you die, then why do you collect them?? I collect them for a variety of reasons, and I don't really care WHEN they'll eventually disintigrate, because I know they eventually will. I don't care about when when everything WILL be destroyed someday (the sun blowing up in a couple million years, atomic bombs, etc.), but since you seemed to be so focused on WHEN they WILL, and you fear that they'll do it before you die, why do you spend money on them?? I really don't see the point if you don't want to take the risk that they'll be holy and ratty and cancerous before you die. We must be on different wave-lengths...
I haven't given it much thought, and I really haven't noticed it "spreading" to my other ponies.