Foofoo's Guessing Game is back... but with a twist! WINNER ANNOUNCED!

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NO winner yet, but a few answers have been near it! Too bad ya don't know WHICH answers they were! NYAHAHAHAHA!

I’m the same way! I get maybe 5-8 minutes notice where I get intensely tired, and if I’m not sitting or laying down by the time it runs out, then I’m passed out, boom, on the floor. Not narcolepsy, though. Go figure.

With me if I get tired and feel like I could sleep I have to go right that moment or my body'll perk back up and refuse to sleep. I miss most windows of opportunity just trying to get into bed! :D

My body is stupid bad for itself.
NO winner yet, but a few answers have been near it! Too bad ya don't know WHICH answers they were! NYAHAHAHAHA!

With me if I get tired and feel like I could sleep I have to go right that moment or my body'll perk back up and refuse to sleep. I miss most windows of opportunity just trying to get into bed! :D

My body is stupid bad for itself.
At least you don’t end up with a concussion for not sleeping when your body says to. I have hypersomnia. Yes, that’s a thing. I sleep too much. I need more sleep.