If you could be...

Wow, well for grown-up pony I would have to say Masquerade, I love pegs and she just seems smart and unique, and if I were a baby, Baby Licorice I have adored her and her unique color combonation for years!
i would totally be fizzy.. im a lil airheadish and i talk alot......infact... i know if i was fizzy.. just like in the mlp movie... magic star would of said to me the exact same thing "we wont get anywhere fizzy if you dont stop talking" :wink:
Wishfully I'd say Locket, because she seems so elegant, classy and yet "Victorias Secret" Model LOL

But realisically I'd say Sugar Sweet. Unicorn, (which I've identified with for many many years) bit...er, BIG of a sweet tooth, always try to smell good (have a super sensitive dog like nose) and even though pink makes me twitch, it follows me around. I'd SO dye my hair her teal mane color if I could find some dye ;)
Good question, logansdad!