It Broke, It exploded, Its blew away, its a gonner


Proud Owner of Cat Pee Pony
Dec 24, 2010
I need to vent so feel free to listen in. A year and a half ago my husband lost his job. The doctor he was working for lost his business. We were out of work for a year. Now you can just imagine what that did to us financially and nerve wise. We survived it though and he finally got a job. Well, its taking us forever to get on our feet. In the time he lost his employment the following happened:

Massive tree fell over
Large Tree branch fell on house and tore siding and roofing off the house
Central air went out
The dryer began to leak gas so it can't be used
The washing machine no longer runs with hot water
Car air went out
Other car transmission exploded
Microwave went out
The truck broke and hasn't run since
The glass french doors exploded in the middle of the night and shattered glass all over
Friend passed away
Another friend passed away
Cat passed away
Another cat passed away
My Fish Jadie died from a terrible disease bless her heart..sigh
I ended up in the hospital with bladder kidney issues
My mother has been sick with pneumonia three times
My mother in law has had a stroke
My husband has a back injury
I adopted two new cats one of which was seriously ill and needed major vet care for 5 months.
My husband has lost 3 of his teeth, I am losing one.
And if this isn't enough....the big big big big
Last night my refrigerator died. Its in refrigerator Heaven. It said goodbye, it flooded my kitchen and still is flooding my kitchen.
What gives? Seriously ya'll if I don't show up here for like a month you will know I packed a suitcase and hit the Bahamas just in time for hurricane season.

Before I close I must say something positive. I am so thankful I have friends and husband, family and pets to share this nightmare with. At least we can go through it together. At least my ponies can smile at me when I pass by and my numerous collections keep my mind busy. I got some wonderful art from members on this forum. Some delightful kitty figurines from a member of this form. I have had a special listening ear from this forum. In fact being here at the MLPTP has saved me. You guys make me laugh so much. I am not lost in the Jungle, covered in spots with foot rot being chased by a hungry leopard. So yea life is good. Pfffft
Oh no! I'm so sorry all that happened to you. It sounds like you had a terrible year and a half. My sympathies on the passing of your kitties and friends. I can't imagine how stressful that must have been for you and your hubby.

Do you have homeowners insurance? If the water caused damage to the flooring or cabinets there may be some coverage under your policy, you'd have to ask your insurer. I handle auto claims for one of the bigger insurance cos, but I do know a teeny bit about property policies.

With all of that happening to you, things have got to get better.
I have been on the water since it started. We are changing out the towels every hour. Rewashing and drying them and starting the process over. So, I don't think it will damage my 1930's original flooring any worse than it already looks lol. I don't think I need a claim for it. Yea things could only get better right? I keep wondering that and then something new happens. Life is such a comedy. @Star_Flare

LOL should I take this to mean your are speechless at my luck in life? LOL Dad just called, he is going to get us a new refrigerator. But there is still water everywhere. Where is it coming from? We turned off the water line. What the heck? There is no ice or anything in that stupid dead box. I want to fill it with fireworks and watch it fly. If you want to join me come on over. We are going to make my refrigerator fly by fireworks. How many will it take to lift that sucker into space? Who knows. 4th of July isn't that far away. Booooooom lol Sure hope it doesn't fall on top of someone's house. Maybe we need to take it to a deserted road. LOL Just kidding. Silliness keeps me from crying lol. Hey we could try mentos and coke a cola.
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*biggest hugs to you* and if you decide to make your fridge fly please do record it so we can watch it. maybe you can get it high enough to smack Life in the Eye for smacking you guys in the Eye. That'll teach Life
*hugs* Gah! That's such a roller coaster you are on right now. Geez. It really doesn't just rain it pours. I'm sorry and I'm glad to hear that you have a positive outlook. Hug those ponies!
Yea well, there is no sense in giving in to the crisis. That will only make it worse. I give myself time to be upset and then I say, "get over it, you have stuff to do." The kitchen flooding went on and on last night and we finally had to turn the water off in the kitchen. It seems there is a leak in the copper line that supplies water to the refrigerator for water and ice. The valve was turned off, but I guess that didn't work. So, now we have no cold water but at least we are not swimming in there anymore.
Aaaww tula, your luck has been the worst for you :( but worry not! It can't go always this way. I'm sure there is the good lucky rainbow waiting for you :). Try to stay positive, you can't give up now. Big hugs to you <3
(at least for a while you got your own swimming pool ;) unintentionally though..)
Looks like I need to sacrifice a goat to get you some good luck! Now... which goat has crossed me most?
Oh my goodness ROFLOL. Thats just plain awful. Goats are too cute, but they are all Dennis the Menace.

You ain't kidding! (pun not intended)

My Papaw asked me and mom, "Why do you want goats?" like we were going to raise rabid wolverines. After a year I know why he thought they were awful, awful creatures. I still love 'em, ornery as they are.
I had a huge tree fall in the goat yard during winter (missed my house, unlike your rude tree) and the goats use it as a jungle gym. They'll be teetering on tiny branches and you wait for them to plummet to the ground, but they never do! Goats hover and teleport. I am certain of this.
Oh no! I'm so sorry! And it looks like I also that sort of luck. The air went out for like 3 months, but today it got finally fixed. Also, I'm so sorry for the loss of your friends, cats and fish :(

Also, I just laughed when you said
Last night my refrigerator died. Its in refrigerator Heaven. It said goodbye, it flooded my kitchen and still is flooding my kitchen.

Poor Fridge

I had a huge tree fall in the goat yard during winter (missed my house, unlike your rude tree) and the goats use it as a jungle gym. They'll be teetering on tiny branches and you wait for them to plummet to the ground, but they never do! Goats hover and teleport. I am certain of this.

Yes they have alien dna. You know its true.
Wow, that is a young fridge!

HaHa..this is how I knew it wanted to go to fridge Heaven. It lived its life out. It was done making ice for me, done cooling my food, done killing ants on clothes in the freezer. Just done.