Messy mind and messy surroundings


Rusty pony revitaliser
MLPTP Supporter
Sep 9, 2022
So, how does your work area look? I have an absolute mess. My art area looks like Pinkie Pie set off a confetti bomb. I try to keep it tidy while I work, but I feel like I can't create and be organised while I do it. I can't "clean as I go." Also, I tend to run a number of projects at once... I used to see this as a problem, but now I'm starting to think this is just my way.
I don’t have a work space but I do think my doll room looks like a back end of a storage locker. With dolls that have not been put up and shelves that have not been assemble and stands still in packaging.
Oh, my work area is just "wherever I feel like" (often my bed) because my desk is usually covered with stuff. Granted, right now it's a shared desk which makes things trickier. Shelves and organizers definitely help!
I heart all of you so much right now lol. This is the current state of my "work space" and I am legit trying to tidy up right now...View attachment 74808
Yaaaas! I feel like it needs to look that way if I am working with abandon! Lol. Cleaned it up yesterday, but I know that's only temporary :p
I ususally clean up just enough space so that I can do whatever I'm currently doing. Nowadays almost everything I do can be done in the area right in front of my sewing machine, so no cleaning had been done on my TWO HUGE WORK DESKS in the last 4-5ish weeks. Last week I literally had to make space for the pony I :star:re-sparckled:star: so that I could put her down to dry.:rofl: She's not big either. Just standard size G3.
I heart all of you so much right now lol. This is the current state of my "work space" and I am legit trying to tidy up right now...View attachment 74808
I’m not sure what it is but something about your work space makes me think of a wizards study :smile:
Like this kind

Oh, and to answer the question, what work area? :rofl: Mine is such a mess right now that you can’t even see the surface of the desk lol