My Little Pony: A New Generation -- Jewel style!


MLPTP Supporter
Jun 6, 2005
Just having a little fun with Photoshop ;)

Ohhh, that looks cool! Tbh it's always fun to see new artwork of your pony, Jewel haha, though I don't think I payed much attention to her mark until just now. I'm curious about any stories or ideas behind that one~
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I tried photoshop - it's so difficult! how did you learn?
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I tried photoshop - it's so difficult! how did you learn?
My experience is mostly with Gimp and Krita, which are the same thing as Photoshop but free. For the most part people don't bother to learn every single feature in these programs, only the things they need, and often end up learning new things here and there over the years.

Mostly you have to pace yourself. Like really pace yourself, and be forgiving of the fact that's it's confusing and probably overwhelming you like crazy at first, at least if you're anything like me. What I recommend, if you're a novice to digital art in general, though honestly this can be true just for learning a new program too, is to focus first on either your full list of tools, trying each one out with its default settings only (so you don't get overloaded), completely ignoring any drop-down options, or focus specifically on a brush tool and check out the different brush styles you can use, trying any that interest you.

There are always tons of videos online about how to get started with different art programs as well, those videos will include explanations about what different things are and, as long as you have patience with yourself, they can really help you get a sense of familiarity with the programs even before you open it.
I tried photoshop - it's so difficult! how did you learn?
Technically this one isn't Photoshop, it's a 20-year-old copy of Paint Shop Pro 7 that I just grew attached to ;) I learned it entirely by trial and error back in the day, and Googling tutorials for things I didn't know how to do. I have newer programs, but PSP lets me work much faster.

There are lots of online courses available for Photoshop, and for various free programs that do the same thing. I'd start with a class or set of tutorials if you're just starting out. ;)