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There's always room in my heart for new loves

Pawesome picture! Pet insurance is great when you have multiple cats! I think your boys will behave well at the vets but the true test will be an actual visit.

How are they with a carrier?

Sophie is timid, nervous & scared at the vets so she can be squirmy but no teeth or claws (I usually give the nails a trim the night beforehand just in case) but I usually can hold her on the table as the vet does their thing even her mouth.

Nickey was a complete ham, the vets favorite feline patient! Then Pumpkin the absolute worst patient and hellcat…his physical was done when he was knocked out for dental work.
None of them like going in the carrier. Dali took a bit more work when I took them to get their nails done. But maybe he won't be as upset now that he's settled into his new home.
They were good at getting their nails done, though Dali as scared. Rembrandt was good. I think they'll both be okay at the vet!
Cassie is a ham at the vet as well. They love her, she just lets them do whatever to her, and I think Rembrandt will be the same. Dali might need to be held.

Monet was terrible at the vet too! He turned feral, I had to give him sedation before any visits, and even then he'd hiss, bite and fight. There were times the vet couldn't examine him despite them trying. It's not easy!

We'll see in a few weeks!
I tried sedation on Pumpkin once, he wasn’t happy about it and was just as bad at the vets. I finally had to get a second carrier because he’d start attacking Nickey.

Cassie is a sweet girl! She’s seems to be handling two younger brothers well.

Do you have a carrier with a top opening? It’s easier to get them into it.
I have two different carriers. Both of them open on top and sides. One of them is a duffle bag style, which makes it easy to carry two cats at once. The hard carrier comes apart completely if needed.
I never put Monet and Cassie in the same carrier, they would fight. But I think Dali and Rembrandt would be happier together in one carrier. The shelter tried putting them in two different carriers and Dali just got too stressed out so we combined them and they were calm.
The carrier we have is from the first cat adopted in the 90’s. It’s a good idea we get a new one now… too many bad memories from final trips

My kitty who passed a few months ago was good at the vet but of course like any cat we have, cried all the way to and from.
When they checked her heart, they said she was purring a lot
The carrier we have is from the first cat adopted in the 90’s. It’s a good idea we get a new one now… too many bad memories from final trips

My kitty who passed a few months ago was good at the vet but of course like any cat we have, cried all the way to and from.
When they checked her heart, they said she was purring a lot

I thought about getting a new carrier due to the same reasons. It's an old carrier too, but I also thought.. its money I really don't need to spend. The carrier was Monet's carrier and it still makes me sad knowing it took him to the vet for the last time and didn't come home in it
I thought about getting a new carrier due to the same reasons. It's an old carrier too, but I also thought.. its money I really don't need to spend. The carrier was Monet's carrier and it still makes me sad knowing it took him to the vet for the last time and didn't come home in it
Whilst it has the bad memories, it’s also the only physical thing left from our first cat. She never left in it, she went messing and never returned. She was and old lady

I’ve had five cats over the years. 1, 2 and 2. The good memories of the carrier comes with the adoption times. The final… yeah.
After my last cat went the carrier was just left in the greenhouse for a couple of days. Her sister never went in the greenhouse, she knew

But here are some really nice carriers out there though. This old carrier is so bashed up and gets a good disinfecting and cleaning up every time it has to be used as it’s forever in storage. It’s hard green plastic with a metal cage at the front that’s completely removable. Missing bolts on the side but somehow it still able to shut tightly and securely… yeah it sounds more horrible describing it than it is :surprisepony:
I get what you are saying. It's tough, but it's still usable even if it's dated and old.

I'm sorry to hear about your cat. It's hard when they leave like that. I think she knew at that point
I get what you are saying. It's tough, but it's still usable even if it's dated and old.

I'm sorry to hear about your cat. It's hard when they leave like that. I think she knew at that point
We all agree in the family she probably knew too. She probably found a place to sleep so none of us would find her like that. It’s understandable
In a way you don't have to worry about what to do with her at that point. When I took Monet to the vet for the last time, it was devastating and hard that I sometimes wish he'd gone peacefully too
Last night was the first time Dali didn't run and hide under the bed when I came home! He's still unsure but it's progress! There's times he'd freak out and run, he still won't sit in my lap though he loves being pet and brushed, but every day I see his confidence grow a little more and more.

I still need to work on trimming their claws. I managed to do a few of Rembrandt's while he was dozing off on me, but neither of them would let me hold them to trim. I gotta find a way to do Dali's especially, his is really sharp again.

Also, all three cats ate their dinner peacefully in the kitchen together! No nervousness and no attempts to steal Cassie's food (they respect her boundaries), but I still had to play gatekeeper to make sure they don't get too close to her and intimidate her to walk away from her food. She's a slow eater. I think I'll go back to separating them while eating due to the fact she's such a slow eater and I don't want to gate keep every meal lol.

Two days ago was exactly 1 month since I had to let Monet go. It's still incredibly hard, I still miss him every day and think about him every day. There are times I really miss him, when I am reminded of things he'd used to do especially, and still cry.
They are adorable and I see why they stole your heart. I'm so happy for you and them. :purpleheart:
:ponylove: Rembrandt and Dali are looking so great!! They are furrylicous!!!

How is Cassie doing?
:ponylove: Rembrandt and Dali are looking so great!! They are furrylicous!!!

How is Cassie doing?

Cassie is doing great. While she still doesn't want them anywhere near her (which is the norm for her, she never liked Monet near her either), she's eating with them, no longer hissing either. In fact, she did play a bit with Dali the other night. Just for about 5 seconds before she decided she had enough and swatted him. She doesn't use her claws when she smacks Dali.
There's the occasional growls when she's near me, she won't let them approach too close, which is in her right- she's the Queen and she gets first dibs.
I think she's realizing she's now the dominant one in the house, and the boys respect her boundaries. They don't tackle her like Monet used to (That she HATED), and they stay back when she warns them. The fact she knows she rules the roost allows her to become far more confident she had ever been and accept them as long as she stays on top.
Cassie is doing great. While she still doesn't want them anywhere near her (which is the norm for her, she never liked Monet near her either), she's eating with them, no longer hissing either. In fact, she did play a bit with Dali the other night. Just for about 5 seconds before she decided she had enough and swatted him. She doesn't use her claws when she smacks Dali.
There's the occasional growls when she's near me, she won't let them approach too close, which is in her right- she's the Queen and she gets first dibs.
I think she's realizing she's now the dominant one in the house, and the boys respect her boundaries. They don't tackle her like Monet used to (That she HATED), and they stay back when she warns them. The fact she knows she rules the roost allows her to become far more confident she had ever been and accept them as long as she stays on top.
I’m so glad she’s made queen! Dali is the more submissive so I can totally see the scene of her chastising him. Super happy for her not to be tackled anymore even though that was Monet’s purrsona. The cat hierarchy sometimes makes no sense to us but as long as they are all happy then we don’t have to stress to please all the god cats :rofl:

For me I get to see the indoor & outdoor cat hierarchy when it’s open cat season (not cold out). Sophie grew up in ME in the Appalachian Hills so in the woods her first two years of life and luckily where we currently live happens to have similarities that allowed her to quickly adapt as she escaped from the indoors during COVID and I was trying to find the earliest vet visit for her as she had zero vaccinations (I’m lucky she was a least fixed!).
Upstairs are her BFF, Khalessi, & her wanna be boyfriend, Maverick. Maverick is very submissive but inside he tackles poor little sister Khalessi (he’s the brother she never wanted) But then Khalessi will dominate over Sophie even though she’s much smaller and this past year it depends on what mood they’re in on who’s boss. But I think Sophie is the overall dom (she’s the heavyweight champ) but she really dislikes it if Mav is out first in the morning before her. The princess likes her routine to be uninterrupted and rather go back to bed than deal with the court shipping beggars! Plus us mom/aunts have our roll on their outdoor interaction moods.

It is an adventure (hopefully always in the positive) growing new family furry ties!

You must send another picture when the opportunity arises with all three of them!

The boys look really good, did you get bibs for them?