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What are you reading now?


Flutter Pony
MLPTP Supporter
Sep 7, 2005
Similar to the watching thread, but BETTER (cause reading, hah :ponylove: ) I would love it if people shared what they were reading and also their thoughts about it. I am always looking for good new reads.

I am currently reading:
All Out: The No Longer Secret Stories of Queer Teens Throughout the Ages an anthology edited by Saundra Mitchell
Illness as a Metaphor and AIDS and its Metaphors by Susan Sontag

I am enjoying the heck out of both of them, but in very different ways.

The first is a joyous queer fairytale romp. There's lots of beautiful prose and great atmosphere.
The second is a series of essays regarding TB, cancer, and AIDS, and the way people with severe illness, as well as illness itself, are conceived of, culturally. I have to read it small portions at a time, but I find it really powerful.

I generally try to have at least one fiction and one non-fiction book in progress at all times (but usually more than that, lol).
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Ohhh ive never heard of those books! This is a great idea for a thread! :D

Im currently reading Howls Moving Castle. Its SO GOOOD I adore it oh my gosh. I couldnt have asked for it to be any better, its so perfect! :purpleheart:

I am always reading The Silmarillion off and on bc its my favorite book in the entire world.:happyhearts: For anyone who doesnt know its about the creation and 1st age of the world where later the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings takes place in the 3rd age. I go back and reads parts a lot. I used to sleep with it on the bed with me its so dear to me but its on my tolkien shelf right now since I didnt want to ruin the book sleeve. You might could say its My prEcIoUs. :rofl:

I can only focus on one book at a time but before I was sucked into Howls Moving Castle was reading The Cruel Prince. I really really love it so far. Once i finish this, ill go back to it I think. Its about two human girls being raised in the Fae world after their parents were murdered and the prince is well.. a bit of a turd lol and Fae's are awfully tricky. I loveee tricky fae lore!

... Before The Cruel Prince stole my attention I was reading Carival.. See the pattern here lolol I jump around so bad, I need to make myself just read one all the way through. I was really liking Carival tho! Its a fantasy about a carnival that only super elite get tickets too. Its a whole maze just finding the entrance even when you have a ticket. The leader of the Carival is .. very suspicious and mysterious.

I also bought The Song of Achilles but im waiting to read that when im emotionally ready lol!! Tragic boyfriends are gonna break my heart theyre so IN LOVE AND HAPPY I FHRHR *dIES* Im gonna die a million times over from the ANGST. I know how it ends, a lot of us probably do just from the mythology but. *CRIES* I'll never be ready. :cry:

Captive Prince is on my list after that I wanna read it so bad but I havent gotten my hands on a physical copy yet, I prefer physical copies. Its a fantasty book about Princes who fall in love whilst their countries are at war with each other.

My bestie just recommended to me a.. i think she said Edwardian period gay romance? I forget the title of it ill have to ask again. It'll be next on my list after Captive Prince. :ponylove: She said it was super sweet! I trust her with my life lol and reading eyes haha.
As you can see lol my entire being runs on Tolkien, lgbtqia+, and romance. :rofl::rofl:
Similar to the watching thread, but BETTER (cause reading, hah :ponylove: ) I would love it if people shared what they were reading and also their thoughts about it. I am always looking for good new reads.

I am currently reading:
All Out: The No Longer Secret Stories of Queer Teens Throughout the Ages an anthology edited by Saundra Mitchell
Illness as a Metaphor and AIDS and its Metaphors by Susan Sontag

I am enjoying the heck out of both of them, but in very different ways.

The first is a joyous queer fairytale romp. There's lots of beautiful prose and great atmosphere.
The second is a series of essays regarding TB, cancer, and AIDS, and the way people with severe illness, as well as illness itself, are conceived of, culturally. I have to read it small portions at a time, but I find it really powerful.

I generally try to have at least one fiction and one non-fiction book in progress at all times (but usually more than that, lol).
I’ll have to find those since I haven’t read them yet. Thank you! :)

I’m reading ‘the outsiders’ since E has it as a school assignment, re-reading magical misfits 1-4, reading the ya crave series, some Ilona andrews, and reading wonder again. Oh, and wyrms by osc
Ohhh ive never heard of those books! This is a great idea for a thread! :D

Captive Prince is on my list after that I wanna read it so bad but I havent gotten my hands on a physical copy yet, I prefer physical copies. Its a fantasty book about Princes who fall in love whilst their countries are at war with each other.
I also definitely prefer physical copies, never had any interest in a kindle or nook haha
Be warned about Captive Prince though, I’ve heard it gets very uhh…adult. I almost read it but more adult themes aren’t my style so I skipped it.
Ohhh ive never heard of those books! This is a great idea for a thread! :D

Im currently reading Howls Moving Castle. Its SO GOOOD I adore it oh my gosh. I couldnt have asked for it to be any better, its so perfect! :purpleheart:

I am always reading The Silmarillion off and on bc its my favorite book in the entire world.:happyhearts: For anyone who doesnt know its about the creation and 1st age of the world where later the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings takes place in the 3rd age. I go back and reads parts a lot. I used to sleep with it on the bed with me its so dear to me but its on my tolkien shelf right now since I didnt want to ruin the book sleeve. You might could say its My prEcIoUs. :rofl:

I can only focus on one book at a time but before I was sucked into Howls Moving Castle was reading The Cruel Prince. I really really love it so far. Once i finish this, ill go back to it I think. Its about two human girls being raised in the Fae world after their parents were murdered and the prince is well.. a bit of a turd lol and Fae's are awfully tricky. I loveee tricky fae lore!

... Before The Cruel Prince stole my attention I was reading Carival.. See the pattern here lolol I jump around so bad, I need to make myself just read one all the way through. I was really liking Carival tho! Its a fantasy about a carnival that only super elite get tickets too. Its a whole maze just finding the entrance even when you have a ticket. The leader of the Carival is .. very suspicious and mysterious.

I also bought The Song of Achilles but im waiting to read that when im emotionally ready lol!! Tragic boyfriends are gonna break my heart theyre so IN LOVE AND HAPPY I FHRHR *dIES* Im gonna die a million times over from the ANGST. I know how it ends, a lot of us probably do just from the mythology but. *CRIES* I'll never be ready. :cry:

Captive Prince is on my list after that I wanna read it so bad but I havent gotten my hands on a physical copy yet, I prefer physical copies. Its a fantasty book about Princes who fall in love whilst their countries are at war with each other.

My bestie just recommended to me a.. i think she said Edwardian period gay romance? I forget the title of it ill have to ask again. It'll be next on my list after Captive Prince. :ponylove: She said it was super sweet! I trust her with my life lol and reading eyes haha.
As you can see lol my entire being runs on Tolkien, lgbtqia+, and romance. :rofl::rofl:

<3 <3
You should try K.D. Edwards' The Last Sun. Or anything by Alexis Hall. I am getting strong vibes.
Also, I hope you know that Captive Prince is, uh .... .... intense. (There are words I'm not allowed to type on this forum, m'kay?)
(ETA: I just saw that Azalea already covered this. But seriously).

Also, I love that you are that much of a Silmarillion fan. I knew they were out there, but I didn't know I knew one.

PS. Are you on GoodReads or storygraph? What about you, @Tak ? You seem like quite the reader!
Ohhh ive never heard of those books! This is a great idea for a thread! :D

Im currently reading Howls Moving Castle. Its SO GOOOD I adore it oh my gosh. I couldnt have asked for it to be any better, its so perfect! :purpleheart:

I am always reading The Silmarillion off and on bc its my favorite book in the entire world.:happyhearts: For anyone who doesnt know its about the creation and 1st age of the world where later the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings takes place in the 3rd age. I go back and reads parts a lot. I used to sleep with it on the bed with me its so dear to me but its on my tolkien shelf right now since I didnt want to ruin the book sleeve. You might could say its My prEcIoUs. :rofl:

I can only focus on one book at a time but before I was sucked into Howls Moving Castle was reading The Cruel Prince. I really really love it so far. Once i finish this, ill go back to it I think. Its about two human girls being raised in the Fae world after their parents were murdered and the prince is well.. a bit of a turd lol and Fae's are awfully tricky. I loveee tricky fae lore!

... Before The Cruel Prince stole my attention I was reading Carival.. See the pattern here lolol I jump around so bad, I need to make myself just read one all the way through. I was really liking Carival tho! Its a fantasy about a carnival that only super elite get tickets too. Its a whole maze just finding the entrance even when you have a ticket. The leader of the Carival is .. very suspicious and mysterious.

I also bought The Song of Achilles but im waiting to read that when im emotionally ready lol!! Tragic boyfriends are gonna break my heart theyre so IN LOVE AND HAPPY I FHRHR *dIES* Im gonna die a million times over from the ANGST. I know how it ends, a lot of us probably do just from the mythology but. *CRIES* I'll never be ready. :cry:

Captive Prince is on my list after that I wanna read it so bad but I havent gotten my hands on a physical copy yet, I prefer physical copies. Its a fantasty book about Princes who fall in love whilst their countries are at war with each other.

My bestie just recommended to me a.. i think she said Edwardian period gay romance? I forget the title of it ill have to ask again. It'll be next on my list after Captive Prince. :ponylove: She said it was super sweet! I trust her with my life lol and reading eyes haha.
As you can see lol my entire being runs on Tolkien, lgbtqia+, and romance. :rofl::rofl:
We have powell’s books up here. (In my opinion the greatest bookstore on earth!) Anyway, I was gifted a kindle reader, so I took all my books in for credit when I had E. E has quite a library now. I have a few favorites and things that don’t work well in digital format. Otherwise, I’ve fallen in love with my kindle. The library loans ebooks. I don’t have any $ to spend on books for myself, so had been making bi-weekly trips to the library for years. Now I just put it on hold and access via email. It saves so much on travel. Plus my kindle is backlit, so can read anytime, make text any size, dark mode where you get white letters on the black background. It’s the single item I own that I would miss most. I’m actually on kindle #3 now. The first finally bit the dust and the second I gave to E since it is capable of dyslexia font, and the last is mine. I still have my first edition ‘goodnight moon’ and ‘where the wild things are’, though. I couldn’t part with them. Also, I do miss holding and smelling paper books, however, I can’t be as green as I want to be and still read as much, so c’est la vie.

@darklys I just started goodreads! I’m still learning all the functions. I will read most everything. My dad is a ww2 buff so I’ve read lots of the history books he has, plus ancient history, psychology, fiction, non fiction, all the newberry award books, lots of ya fiction, westerns, auto biography, biography, way too many text books, and some self help. Oh, just put all the books ever written in one big pile and I will work my way through it! I’ve even read most religious texts. My favorite is definitely sci-fI, fantasy, ya fiction, or anything horse related. (I even read war and peace because someone said that ‘you’re not an avid reader if you haven’t read w & p’.)
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c'est la vie, indeed! I love my e-reader. Because I did a graduate degree in philosophy, I have a ton of books that don't exist on e-reader, so my shelves are still chock full, but I have well over 4000 books on my Kindle (or, usually, kindle for phone).
Reading physical books seems strange now, tbh.
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I also definitely prefer physical copies, never had any interest in a kindle or nook haha
Be warned about Captive Prince though, I’ve heard it gets very uhh…adult. I almost read it but more adult themes aren’t my style so I skipped it.

<3 <3
You should try K.D. Edwards' The Last Sun. Or anything by Alexis Hall. I am getting strong vibes.
Also, I hope you know that Captive Prince is, uh .... .... intense. (There are words I'm not allowed to type on this forum, m'kay?)
(ETA: I just saw that Azalea already covered this. But seriously).

Also, I love that you are that much of a Silmarillion fan. I knew they were out there, but I didn't know I knew one.

PS. Are you on GoodReads or storygraph? What about you, @Tak ? You seem like quite the reader!
Awwww thank you two!! <3 I appreciate the warning and concern :happyhearts: I have heard lol (if we've heard the same things) I think it'll be fine. Im too weak for happy princes in love even if it takes several books to get there haha. I do also secretly thrive on angsty romance so...I cant resist! :rofl: but definitely more of a book for adults.

OOoo the Last Sun sounds familiar...Maybe my bestie read it.., either that or i heard a booktuber mention it. The summary sounds really interesting! :0 I'll have to put it on my list! Ive heard of Alexis Hall, but never read anything by them. Im behind on reading lol it takes me a while I always get so busy. I'll research a few! <3

YES! I live and breathe Tolkien! :lolpony: Most of my besties also do, so you know me, and maybe the many I know counts as more by relation lol. My favorite character is Finrod, Galadriel's Eldest brother.:purpleheart::twohearts: Also if youve seen Lord of the Rings, the Ring of Barahir that Aragorn wears was once Finrod's and he gave it to Aragorns ancestor for saving his life. So its a small piece of my boi in the lotr books and movies.:ponylove:
I have been meaning to buy the Fall of Gondolin which is also the same time period as the Silm but every time i look at it I cry! Haha Tolkien books are the only ones that make me cry on sight lol i know it sounds weird but his books are a tidal wave of emotion non stop lol. I love them so much! Just be warned, if you read the Silm I cant promise you wont be laying face flat on the floor in a puddle of your own tears.:rofl: Its a crushing heartbreak that hurts so good while hurting sooo baddd.

I dont have goodreads or anything like that! :0 Im not sure how that works? Ive never been on the site but i know of it. Isnt it a book review and reading list type of site? Maybe I should join!

I really love physical books but I understand why some people prefer digital, everyone is allowed their own preferences. <3 I like a good audiobook while cleaning sometimes too! Physical books however just hold a warm cozy place in my heart. Before covid I would go to the library booksale every year and always come home with something fun. I think its the feel in the hand and act of turning pages thats nostalgic and comforting.
Awwww thank you two!! <3 I appreciate the warning and concern :happyhearts: I have heard lol (if we've heard the same things) I think it'll be fine. Im too weak for happy princes in love even if it takes several books to get there haha. I do also secretly thrive on angsty romance so...I cant resist! :rofl: but definitely more of a book for adults.

OOoo the Last Sun sounds familiar...Maybe my bestie read it.., either that or i heard a booktuber mention it. The summary sounds really interesting! :0 I'll have to put it on my list! Ive heard of Alexis Hall, but never read anything by them. Im behind on reading lol it takes me a while I always get so busy. I'll research a few! <3

YES! I live and breathe Tolkien! :lolpony: Most of my besties also do, so you know me, and maybe the many I know counts as more by relation lol. My favorite character is Finrod, Galadriel's Eldest brother.:purpleheart::twohearts: Also if youve seen Lord of the Rings, the Ring of Barahir that Aragorn wears was once Finrod's and he gave it to Aragorns ancestor for saving his life. So its a small piece of my boi in the lotr books and movies.:ponylove:
I have been meaning to buy the Fall of Gondolin which is also the same time period as the Silm but every time i look at it I cry! Haha Tolkien books are the only ones that make me cry on sight lol i know it sounds weird but his books are a tidal wave of emotion non stop lol. I love them so much! Just be warned, if you read the Silm I cant promise you wont be laying face flat on the floor in a puddle of your own tears.:rofl: Its a crushing heartbreak that hurts so good while hurting sooo baddd.

I dont have goodreads or anything like that! :0 Im not sure how that works? Ive never been on the site but i know of it. Isnt it a book review and reading list type of site? Maybe I should join!

I really love physical books but I understand why some people prefer digital, everyone is allowed their own preferences. <3 I like a good audiobook while cleaning sometimes too! Physical books however just hold a warm cozy place in my heart. Before covid I would go to the library booksale every year and always come home with something fun. I think its the feel in the hand and act of turning pages thats nostalgic and comforting.
No problem :satisfied:
Actual books are harder on my hands, lol. I’ve had carpal tunnel surgery on both now, so they don’t go numb, but they get sore. I also love that my kindle is just perfect to slide into my purse. I don’t really use my phone for anything other than call and text, but E put the kindle reader app on theirs.

Lynnix has five bookshelves of books. I went a little crazy getting them hard copies. At some point, I might need to donate some because 500+ books for a 2 year old miiiight be excessive. *shrug*
Oooh, love this thread!

I just finished The Girls with No Names, good read, not knock-my-socks-off but a decent suspense.

I usually have 1 or 2 books going at any given time.

I'm about to start Truly, Madly, Guilty a friend raved about it so I'm gonna give it a try although I read one of her other books and wasn't crazy about it but I'll give her a second attempt.

I'm also started The Book of Hallowe'en I love to collect antique seasonal books. It's a early 1900s book about Halloween history and traditions. Start getting into the festive mood!

I usually enjoy a suspenseful, mystery and Amish murder mystery is my guilty pleasure LOL I also like period dramas and I still enjoy some young adult books even though I'm 40!

I prefer a physical book but also enjoy using my Kindle. Some books that I know I'll love and want to keep I'll always buy hardcopy and many of my antique books I'll buy a digital copy of for reading and the physical book is more for collecting, like my 1844 copy of A Christmas Carol, ain't cracking the spine on that guy every December ;)
I read ‘outsiders’ today. Definitely a book for English class. It was ok (note: it’s historical fiction and does depict some realistic violence from the era.) Apparently there’s a of movie of it. I’m re-reading ‘Snowflower and the secret fan’ just because it was good and I’m waiting for some books on hold. Not sure which I can mention as most all books are pg-13 in my personal opinion.

@Gingerbread how are you so cool when you’re only 40?! I’m 40 and I got one foot in the hole. :confused:

@darklys There is no such thing as too many books for a child! E probably still has over 200 of their childrens books. Not including all the newberry award winners ever and the associated series for some of those winners. Berenstein bears (the originals by Stan and Jan), Shel Silverstein, complete Dr Suess (some written before the use of the name Dr Suess), a slew of Caldecott medal books, Roald Dahl, Graeme Base, Rudyard Kipling, etc, etc, and so on into infinity! The first two they really took an interest in were ‘Mike Mulligan and his steam shovel’ and ‘That’s not my dragon’. That’s not my dragon was all about the textures… like ‘pat the bunny’ when I was little only better, lol. Then I must have read ‘fox in socks’ and ‘Uno’s Garden’ daily for a year.

Also… I, too loved the silmarillion. I just hope they never make movies out of it. Aaand… I may have all the original Angelina Ballerina books (before the show) they also may be why I decided that I would be a ballerina, too. :oops:
I read ‘outsiders’ today. Definitely a book for English class. It was ok (note: it’s historical fiction and does depict some realistic violence from the era.) Apparently there’s a of movie of it. I’m re-reading ‘Snowflower and the secret fan’ just because it was good and I’m waiting for some books on hold. Not sure which I can mention as most all books are pg-13 in my personal opinion.

@Gingerbread how are you so cool when you’re only 40?! I’m 40 and I got one foot in the hole. :confused:

@darklys There is no such thing as too many books for a child! E probably still has over 200 of their childrens books. Not including all the newberry award winners ever and the associated series for some of those winners. Berenstein bears (the originals by Stan and Jan), Shel Silverstein, complete Dr Suess (some written before the use of the name Dr Suess), a slew of Caldecott medal books, Roald Dahl, Graeme Base, Rudyard Kipling, etc, etc, and so on into infinity! The first two they really took an interest in were ‘Mike Mulligan and his steam shovel’ and ‘That’s not my dragon’. That’s not my dragon was all about the textures… like ‘pat the bunny’ when I was little only better, lol. Then I must have read ‘fox in socks’ and ‘Uno’s Garden’ daily for a year.

Also… I, too loved the silmarillion. I just hope they never make movies out of it. Aaand… I may have all the original Angelina Ballerina books (before the show) they also may be why I decided that I would be a ballerina, too. :oops:
We watched the Outsiders movie in 7th or 8th grade class waaaaayyy back when we read it in school. I'll be 30 this year so its a while ago but the movie was good! I remember liking the book but I dont rememember as much about that one.

Yesss! I loved having books as a kid and I still read them to this day! I think the older you get the more you get out of stories. You notice things you might not have thought of before, due to maturing and life experience.

Oooo yayy another fellow Silm/Tolkien fan <3 whos your favorite character? :D
We watched the Outsiders movie in 7th or 8th grade class waaaaayyy back when we read it in school. I'll be 30 this year so its a while ago but the movie was good! I remember liking the book but I dont rememember as much about that one.

Yesss! I loved having books as a kid and I still read them to this day! I think the older you get the more you get out of stories. You notice things you might not have thought of before, due to maturing and life experience.

Oooo yayy another fellow Silm/Tolkien fan <3 whos your favorite character? :D
Bilbo Baggins and gollum. My mother read the hobbit to me/us four times growing up (once in utero) and I have read it at least 4 on my own, plus twice to E. I think they are my favorite simply because I can hear my mom’s voice for each character in my mind. (Even watching the movie I substituted her voice.)

(Speaking of movies, how about the enormous part of leaving the shire that was left out of the film! It’s one of my favorite parts!)
Ok first off, how did it take us so long to broach this topic? It’s a genius move!

@Tak “The Outsiders” is ok?! No no no! It’s the first book that broke my heart! It was the first book I threw against a wall! (It was an instinct, I’m sorry! I’d never purposely harm a book that way!) Anyway, it holds a special place in my heart and the movie makes me cry. Every. Single. Time.

@strawberrypony32 Ooh, “Captive Prince” sounds like it’s right up my ally! Political, wartime, royalty, enemies to lovers, LGBT, the works! Also, a recommendation if you like LGBT royalty: “Red, White, and Royal Blue” is a fantastic story! Low angst so sorry if that’s your thing… :D

As far as physical vs digital, sorry, I'm gonna have to go with digital. Easier to carry, takes up less space, fewer things for my kitty to pull off the shelf! Lol. But also because I read daily but usually stick to fan fiction. I have trouble letting go of characters I’ve already fallen for…so I don’t!
Ok first off, how did it take us so long to broach this topic? It’s a genius move!

@Tak “The Outsiders” is ok?! No no no! It’s the first book that broke my heart! It was the first book I threw against a wall! (It was an instinct, I’m sorry! I’d never purposely harm a book that way!) Anyway, it holds a special place in my heart and the movie makes me cry. Every. Single. Time.

@strawberrypony32 Ooh, “Captive Prince” sounds like it’s right up my ally! Political, wartime, royalty, enemies to lovers, LGBT, the works! Also, a recommendation if you like LGBT royalty: “Red, White, and Royal Blue” is a fantastic story! Low angst so sorry if that’s your thing… :D

As far as physical vs digital, sorry, I'm gonna have to go with digital. Easier to carry, takes up less space, fewer things for my kitty to pull off the shelf! Lol. But also because I read daily but usually stick to fan fiction. I have trouble letting go of characters I’ve already fallen for…so I don’t!
I’m 40, this is the first time I read ‘outsiders’. It took me one day. So yeah it was ok. I’m sorry. Now, ‘a dog’s purpose/journey’ those had me bawling. The diary of Anne Frank made me cry the first time, too. Also, definitely don’t throw the digital, although I have dropped mine several times, I don’t know how much of a real hit they could take.
Lynnix has five bookshelves of books. I went a little crazy getting them hard copies. At some point, I might need to donate some because 500+ books for a 2 year old miiiight be excessive. *shrug*
That doesn’t sound excessive to me ^_^ I would’ve loved having my own library as a kid! I always ended up sneaking books from my sister’s shelves cause I wanted new things to read lol
I read ‘outsiders’ today. Definitely a book for English class. It was ok (note: it’s historical fiction and does depict some realistic violence from the era.) Apparently there’s a of movie of it. I’m re-reading ‘Snowflower and the secret fan’ just because it was good and I’m waiting for some books on hold. Not sure which I can mention as most all books are pg-13 in my personal opinion.

@Gingerbread how are you so cool when you’re only 40?! I’m 40 and I got one foot in the hole. :confused:

@darklys There is no such thing as too many books for a child! E probably still has over 200 of their childrens books. Not including all the newberry award winners ever and the associated series for some of those winners. Berenstein bears (the originals by Stan and Jan), Shel Silverstein, complete Dr Suess (some written before the use of the name Dr Suess), a slew of Caldecott medal books, Roald Dahl, Graeme Base, Rudyard Kipling, etc, etc, and so on into infinity! The first two they really took an interest in were ‘Mike Mulligan and his steam shovel’ and ‘That’s not my dragon’. That’s not my dragon was all about the textures… like ‘pat the bunny’ when I was little only better, lol. Then I must have read ‘fox in socks’ and ‘Uno’s Garden’ daily for a year.

Also… I, too loved the silmarillion. I just hope they never make movies out of it. Aaand… I may have all the original Angelina Ballerina books (before the show) they also may be why I decided that I would be a ballerina, too. :oops:
I LOVED the Angelina ballerina books! I also have a bunch of mine from when i was a kid (and some plush that came with them too), and me and my little sister used to watch the show and try to do the moves they taught at the end of the episodes :satisfied:. I always wanted to be a ballerina because of Angelina, I didn’t get the lessons though and I’m really not coordinated enough anyway haha. Did you ever get to learn ballet?
I’m 40, this is the first time I read ‘outsiders’. It took me one day. So yeah it was ok. I’m sorry. Now, ‘a dog’s purpose/journey’ those had me bawling. The diary of Anne Frank made me cry the first time, too. Also, definitely don’t throw the digital, although I have dropped mine several times, I don’t know how much of a real hit they could take.
Ah yes, I was an emotional 12 year old the first time I read it. That may have skewed my view a bit. Though I don’t remember it taking me long to read either. I’ve always loved reading and I think I finished it while the rest of the class was on chapter 3.
And no, I certainly won’t throw my tablet! Lol, I’ve learned better coping methods since then. Now when a story upsets me I ‘run’ from it. Meaning I angrily clean my house until I’ve calmed/worn myself out enough to continue. I really ought to find my stories like that…:lolpony:
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