Collection Size?

I lost count years ago and since my computer is down can't consult my spreadsheet. Though, I would guess I have around 700-800 ponies from G1 and G3
oh the last time I counted them were 300 plus some around, but I have been selling, trading, so by now I have no idea, but wish i know, I will count them one of this days
my boyfriend thinks my collection is huge and that I have "too many". I told him that a lot of people have sooo many more than I do, but he cant believe it :frog:
I have over 600 ponies. (Yeah, I got carried away just a little!)
I think I have between 350 and 450.:D I haven't counted them in a while.
I don't count (haven't ever), but I have a room FULL! Mostly g3s. I'm guestimating over 500 of them. You can see the pony room in my album if you are curious. :evilsmile:
well um...sad to say i "offically" only have 4 "real", non customs in my "collection" ^^; I mostly have baits or fakies, or my customs. but in total i'd say i have less than 100? that's kinda like small right? it's so sad ^^;

:reaper: Kat :reaper:
I have between 400 and 500 I think but that's not including accessories and play sets. I just moved and I now have a pony room so I want to get them all displayed and do a firm count and get my checklist updated. I want my collection to be around 1000 ponies, not including play sets and accessories.:2232:
wow. I couldn't imagine having 100+ ponies.

At last count, it was just over 50 G1's. I don't count G3's because they are not in MY collection - they are in a bin in our playroom for my daughter and niece. I think there's about a dozen.

For me, a collection is too big when it becomes unmanageable. You aren't sure what you have or where it is. At that point it's more of a mess then a collection.
I don't know how many I have.....I think around 80.....Including plush...hmmm..I know,too many!!!LOL:lol:
I still have at least 600, even after selling a very large amount over the past month!
In my first collection, I had close to 1500 - plus every playset and almsot every accessory. That was too big of a collection to me- I couldn't keep track of everything.
*thinks* I honestly have no last count I had 180-something..but that was a while ago. Since then I have bought, sold, and traded my little heart out, so I have absolutely no CLUE how many I have. They're all displayed in my pony room now though, so it should be relatively easy for me to do a head count....maybe I should *ponders*
I used to have nearly 1000 ponies back when I was seriously collecting (1999-2004). Now I have around 50 and I am more than happy with this size (though a few more couldn't hurt). :p

I have between 250 and 300 ponies... and I haven't enough space for this lot :p
I consider my collection average, but I don't want to have too many ponies. I think I wouldn't want more than 500-600, even if it means I don't have all of them.
well its difficult to know... I have 70 and every day want more lol. well I have one on her way to my work :) but I wanna have an entire MLP room in my house!!:apple:
I used to have a couple hundred. No clue how many I have now, though. I sold a bunch when I got married!

However, I have a new pony room now, so I'm sure I'll pick up others here and there... :)