Have you ever lost a pony?


Baby Pony Flap Flap
Apr 3, 2013
Sorry if this is in the wrong place, still getting used to the forums XD

Anyway, have you ever lost a pony? Did you find it again?

One time I took my G4 brush able Trixie to school. Near the end of the day I was getting out my school books and she was gone. She was gone for about five days and then my friend gave her to me. I still think she stole Trixie, but I can't see what she'd do with Trixie...hmmm...my friend said she found Trixie in the sixth form block...

Any other missing pony stories?
I've lost some of my beloved childhood fakie ponies, never got them back, but that's fine lol.
Haven't lost any My Little Ponies though, I have lost my childhood Wysteria's and Tink-a-tink-a-too's accessories but that doesn't really matter!
I would be so upset losing a pony!
I've lost many, many accessories from when I was little, but I don't care much about that, seeing as I never liked accessories. The only pony I ever lost was my 2005 McDonald's Butterscotch. I didn't actually lose her, my mom did. She confiscated Butterscotch because my sister and I kept fighting over her. She was on my mom's desk for a while, and then disappeared. I've since found another Butterscotch, but that memory sort of bugs me. Who knows? Maybe she's still in my mom's desk somewhere. I'm just glad it wasn't one of my regular ponies.
When I was 6-7, I took Skywishes with me to the science museum even though my mom warned me that I might lose her. I really don't know how I lost her, I don't remember setting her down, but at one point I realized that I wasn't holding Skywishes. :surprisepony: I tried to look for her, but I guess some other kid took her...
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When I was in school (say second-third grade?), my big thing was little Digimon figures. I would bring one or two to school and keep them in my desk for the day. Then they started getting stolen. It turned out a kid in my class was stealing both them and other kids' pokemon cards, and his dad made him go to everyone's house and return them and apologize!
I used to have 2 Baby Pockets. I lost the other one years ago and I still can't find her. I lost Tropical Breeze in my garage for a few years when I was a kid. I found her when I was moving.
I lost my Silver Glow. Well, not exactly LOST, but I'll keep her away from the others because I just loved her too much. And then, I couldn't find her.

Well, I've found her now :p
When I was just a little tike, I was playing outside amoung the brush and trees with Braided Beauty....and this is how I remember it...I turned around, maybe for a minute or two, and when I turned back...she was gone, vanished! I know that sounds crazy, but I NEVER lost ponies as a kid, I may have misplaced them, but always found them. This one was just gone...I thought maybe the neighbors dog, but he was no where to be found, I had no neighbor kids around...THAT really gets to me when I think of it!!!

Sorry your friend jacked your trixie!!!
I always remember losing Clover when I was little, I was so upset mum went out and bought me another one. About two years later the original one turned up in....the old baby nappy box that we used to store old knitting patterns in. How she got in there I still have no idea. But after that Clover and Clover were sisters. :winkpony:

I also managed to lose Baby Moondream when there was a big toy move around in the house, she unfortunately hasn't turned up yet. I managed to buy a replacement one on ebay a few years back but it just isn't the same. :sadpony:
MY sister and I used to play with the ponies outside for pretend play. We would throw the pegasus' into the sky. Occasionally the would get stuck in the tree so we would climb and get them.

We had 2 fakies get stuck in a tree that we knew back to front and we just could never find them. It was so bizarre :/
I don't remember even losing one, I've had things of mine stolen and never gotten them back, and I've had a little purple unicorn figure that have been lost, in which upset me. But nowadays I keep good track of everything, its almost like I'm a member of the CSI or something, lol.
I know some of you have heard this story before but others have not so I'll re-tell it once more.

When I was around 11 years old I got my first baby pony named firefly (she shouldn't need any introduction). She was one of my favorite playthings going just about anywhere with me. Being young still I trimmed her hair, gave her forelock a Mohawk, and of course she got my initial "A" on the the bottom of her left foot. We basically were inseparable you could say.

Then one day she vanished while I was out. We checked the entire house, combed through the dirt basement sure the dog had chewed up Firefly. No traces were ever found. All but 25 of my ponies were given to my cousin.

Fast forward to my college years about 11 years when I visited the York mission. I noticed there was a table with MLPs so I went over to look at them. It was like nostalgia hit all over again rushing me back into wanting to collect them again and regain my childhood. Among those ponies one stood out crystal clear. Same haircut, forelock Mohawk, and the faded "A" are still intact. So yes I bought her for like 10 cents along with a handful of others.

Now you know why I became a collector. Baby Firefly never leaves my sight and stays in my beloved growing shrine. She's the heart of my collection since my first FF Butterscotch was lost to my cousin.

Believe in the saying "If you love something let it go free.... If it comes back to you, then it was meant to be".

I know I do :)
Loads of interesting stories! I loose accessories all the time too! Glad most of you found your ponies!
Omg yes!!
When I first pulled my ponies from the attic couple years ago,
I definitely remember SS Twist being in the bunch.
I even had her displayed up on a dresser with a few other ponies.
But now.. poor Twist is nowhere to be found!
I suspect she was kidnapped by some self-righteous ET lil alien dude.
Ahh the greed of lil alien dudes is astounding.. lol I'm happy today ;)
Oh and I lost TAF Sweet Tooth when I was like 12 ~
For real.. its really sad when you lose a pony..
I just lost my g4 blind bag applejack at school. I tried replacing her, but the one I lost had stains on her. :(
My tail less Fire Fly and Wig Wam ponies. As a teenager I might have gone "ew these are ugly buh-bye" and ditched them... but man, I thought I had them at one point and couldn't ever find them.

It's a mystery indeed~
When I was in the 1st grade I took my only flutter pony Tropical Breeze to school with me. There was a big hill in our school yard and I remember putting her on top of my coat before rolling down the hill with a friend, when we came back up she was gone! I don't know how I could have lost her because my ponies meant everything to me :cry2: It still bothers me to this day that I don't know what happened to her, maybe someone stole her? I don't know why but I have not yet replaced her.
I think, THINK I lost one of my Petite Ponies from when I was a kid. Sadly, other than sentimental value over being my first ever ponies, I don't really hold them in high esteem, and so I don't mind much. Sigh. However, not knowing which one it was and having no clue what happened to it does bug me, though.
I lost g4 cherry pie moving back after going home for the summer, I had on mib but I really had planned to sale her