Look What I Found!


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Jan 1, 2010
Okay so yesterday I went to my local bootfair and came back with a G1 with no tail. All signs were pointing toward that she was Tabby but she didn't look like Tabby to me...




Seems that I've apparently found a variant! On the Arena I've been told she seems to be a mix of primroses/rubys head, taffetas hair, and tabbys body
OMG!! A CLONE!! *runs*
:D she's quite interesting tbh!
I have NEVER seen anything like it.....:chatter:

btw, Marios_Gusty, I love what you have written in your siggy... that is so sweet written....*hugs*
Oooh a Princess variant and a Happy Tails variant all rolled into one, that is beyond words!

She's really gorgeous. Is her body squishy like the Happy Tails ponies?
OMG what Great LUCK!!!! major congrats!!!! wish we had nirvanas here in the US!!! you are so lucky! awesome!!:surprise:
I have NEVER seen anything like it.....:chatter:

btw, Marios_Gusty, I love what you have written in your siggy... that is so sweet written....*hugs*
<3 thank you hun...