"My Little Obsession" Documentary *Trailer and Website now live!*

Yeahy! so kewl! i got really confused for a min, as my collection is all on the white book cases, and it was crazy like it was my collection lol
Does the *bumping* dance~ Oo yeah~ :eek:k:
Rock-on! Such a fem video trailer! *smilin'* All lookin' good, awww..
so sad I wont be at the fair to see it in all it's glory :)
That is so great! I can't wait to watch this!
that looks incredibly professional, so exciting and well made! But what tops it for me is an interview with Bonnie Zacherle. I definitely want to see the full version of this when it's completed! GREAT work!
Congrads, Jewel, the trailer is awesome. I believe the whole documentary will be great :eek:k:
If that website were a pony, I'd be all over that! Hahaha! That sounded creepy, didn't it? I mean, GREAT WEBSITE! I cannot WAIT to purchase my own copy- I hope that is sooner than later!

Best of luck at the fair this week with your premiere!