My Majesty - have question?


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Nov 1, 2005
Ok so I was thinking when I got her quite some time ago, something was just *off* about her. She is bright white, with pretty glitter symbols and nice hair. But when I was actually LOOKING at her today I notice something weird.

Ok 1st, she came with her crown. It isn't the same plastic as my original Majesty came with when I was little. (I know it isn't, I still have my originals).

Second, her mane plugs reach almost to her horn. Doesn't the mail order re-issue do that??? Her hair is really really straight too.

And 3rd and probably the biggest thing, is the " hasbro pat. pend." and the copy write date has a strange smudge in the plastic under her right rear hoof. It doesn't look like a factory goof up, that plastic is kinda shiny there. Her left rear hoof says Hong Kong on it. Which one of the international ponies has that smudgy foot date thing?

Only, doesn't the country that did that, NOT have glitter symbols? And if anyone has that Italian Dream Castle set, does the crown feel..... less??? than the regular version?

If anyone has any thoughts, please post. I can get a couple pictures if anyone is interested.

all I know is that the mo majesty has hairplugs all the way down.... and the playset pony has hairplugs only a little bit below the ears.... I don´t know anything about the hoof though.....
I think I remember reading about this a long time ago, and there were 2 versions of the playset Majesty. The first one was the bald one, and the second had normal hair like the mail order version. I think they may have sold the left over mail order Majesties with the playsets?
I believe the Italian Majesty not only has non-glittery symbols, but also Twilight's symbol. :)
I believe I have mail order Majesty, who has hair plugs all the way up to her horn, but her hair is not straight like the playset one. So I don't know...but I can post a picture of her if it would help at all...

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Is this the Majesty you sent me a pm about at the arena? If so I'd still love to see the photos of her and am still very interested :)
I'd love to see photos too. And I'll try to get you the markings that are on my MO Majesty when I get to her- she's not where I'm living currently.
This topic always puzzles me,

I have my boxed original childhood dream castle and Majesty and she has the hair down to her horn, so I don't understand that version is always described as the mail order pony.

Maybe since I'm in the U.K, there was a difference over here? I know I'm not imagining things, as I was 12 when I got her (yes, I was a late developer.Lol!) She was shop bought with the castle almost as soon as they were released here.

I have come across both versions of Majesty, the hair to the horn one tends to have lilac/ purple eyes and the one with the further back hair tends to have blue, is that right?

Here's my 2, it's an older picture, but the right hand one is my playset one and the left hand one was given to me by a friend giving up ponies. I don't know her origins.


I've never seen one with bits smudged out on the feet though, that really sounds different.

Shlugh xx
Hi derfyslove!
Yes she is the same one! I was going over her after telling you about her to make sure I didn't mis anything, and... well... there it is!
Another puzzle.
I need to take new pictures of some trade bait ponies and accessories tomorrow. She is going to be included and I will post them here when I get them. :)
Ooh a mystery! I had to go check out mine.

I have three Majestys, none were mine originally but I do know they were ones that came with the pink castle (one was from a cousin, one a friend and the last was given with her castle) One is the traditional one that has the short hairline, straight hair, violet eyes. She came with slant eyed Spike. The other two have the hairline to the horn, mane curls around neck (not straight), and purple eyes. One came with slant eyed Spike, one with open eyed Spike. No weird hoof marks on any of them, though.

My German Newborn Moondream has a smudged mark on her hoof, like someone melted it slightly and is shiny. Not saying your Majesty is one but stranger tings have happened...
I think I have mail order Majesty too! Mine doesn't have a hairline like all of your majesty's though! Mine looks like the playset one, only with super purple eyes and slightly smaller symbols.(discolored head, but that's just age) I got both from different places, one from the thrift store and the other from ebay,so I can't tell for sure about their origins. I'll have to keep an eye on this post. I didn't know mail order majesties had a different hairline. Maybe I don't have a mail order?

I don't know about the hoof, though. None of mine have any weird hoof problems.:/

Ok here are the pictures. I was *finally* able to get my silly camera to focus on everything right so we could see clearly.


I'm jealous of you guys, all I ever find is "male pattern balding" Majesties with the thin, nasty hair. (It always sweeps straight back and the second row of plugs is set super far apart.) I don't know where any of them come from, but I will say that I think the variation from super purple eyes to bluish periwinkle eyes is normal, because I've found both of those and just about every shade in between. ;) I think Hasbro just didn't pay too much attention when they were mixing the eye-paint! :artist:

I think someone at the Arena has a Majesty who has one eye stamped periwinkle blue and one deep purple.
Majesty's foot sure does look interesting... The Hasbro Pat Pend looks very smeared, although not entirely obliterated. It almost looks like someone accidentally melted it. Maybe some kid held a match to her foot to see what might happen, and it melted the print on her foot? It really almost looks like that from the picture. Anything is possible...
Wow! My pony looks just like yours! Mine came from the first castle here in Sweden..... I had her from the start, from when I was young..... I just thought that I had an original playset pony.... and that she was one of the bald ones.... but I guess she´s not... I have to check my pony for the hoof..... wait a sec.....

under my hoof there is C ´83, hasbro, pat, pend
and under the other hoof it says china... and that hoof is like almost flat, like there is something mold onto it......
Her eyes is purple and her mark is glittery.... she is very white and her hair is flat......:scratch: