The Holiday Haul


Current Glory Army: 103; Minty Army: 63
Oct 8, 2008
Xmas was so much fun here! My dad dressed as Santa whicjh scarred my sister to death (last year she thought Santa was going to pee on her...yeah... ^^;) so that was a RIOT! Ct actually stayed in the same room as MB all morning (we think his new gf is mellowing him out dor us :D ) and CT, me and Btracie took up a couch all under her quilt :lol: it was very cute.

But the presents! Gracie made out like a bandit! She got a new camera, a video camera, AND a NETBOOK! (my dad won it in his store's contest). She's all set for Spain come April. CT got a PSP which he wanted desteraptely and phone cards (wasn't happy with the toilet cleaning supplies I gave him ^^;; ) MB mostly just got all the DS/PSP games he wated and a PSP wall charger, and bacon, so he was happy. But me...


I GOT AN AIRBURSH SYSTEM!!!!! and an extra can of air to use it BUT AN AIRBRUSH SYSTEM!!! I can't wait to play with it! Also in this picture...
-A NBC snuggie
-Paint-a-Breyer (the guides are part of the mold though >>)
-Troy and The Lake House (good movie right there) on DVD
-A little BABW wolfy ^^ (plushie Kya now has a bebe X3)


Skeleanimal stuff! All picked out buy my daddy ^^ (you can see gracie in the bg there XD; )
-witch kitty beanie
-2 figure tubes
-kitty pumpkin
-mini lunchbox


horrible picure but a set of blue topaz stud earrings. i was so happy- don't wear studs, but after i lost my blue topaz wring on graduation night (along w/ my class ring and all my other rings and my SB watch) i've missed having my psydo-birthstone around


-pink fuzzy socks ^^ (cause nutin says xmas like a pair of socks!)
-a BLEACH shirt
-a DN bag (that was from MB)
-skeleanimal shirt (from my daddy)
-skele-kitty pillow head


-Mint green vest (from CT but i picked it out and his name was put on it XD)
-Minty socks
-Minty fleecey blanket

And of course the *real* pony stuff! I got lots more than last year XD;

-small yarn haired plushies Daisy-Jo, Sunny Daze, and Sweetberry (xmas tree shops folks! Gracie and my mom found them-and could name them XD; )
- 2 DG styling fakies
-"Welcome to Ponyville" figure/book set! this is so cool...the figures in it are smaller thran PVs-like DM size! i need to photo them seperately...ra i wish my borders still had some so i could get another to customize *stpid closeing borders >>*
-the Target exclusive set (from Gracie)

I know I'm stil getting 2 more presents-my neighbors are giving me theirs on the 31st when i baysit their son overnight, and the box f rom PK will arrive in the middle of Jan i think.

then after xmas presents to myself... (i cleaned out walmart if you can't tell XD; )

-minty lights
-minty treat bags
-minty erasers
-minty tooth picks
-minty card holder
-minty beads
-NBC RD single (was half off)

then last night i was lucky enough to find a Quarterback on eBay with no bids, free shipping, and low enough price! so i have him to look forward to in the mail now too *squee!* my single US boys are done now!


Doesn't she look like she should be part of the Xmas set...doesn't it look like last year's now? :lol:

twas a super xmas! ^^
:reaper: Kat :reaper:
Wow, those are some awesome presents!

The minty socks rock, as she loves socks herself!

I just cannot WAIT to see the customs you make now that you have that airbrush set. Make one, make one make one!
Holy crap! A nightmare before christmas SNUGGIE?!?!?!

I must have this.

Awesome haul by the way! :D
Wow! How wow! So many pressies! Good to see!
What nice gifts!! Love the little captions at the end, hehe! Looks like you had a Merry Christmas :)