UK G1 Umbrella (early 90's)


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Feb 2, 2009
Not so much a price check since I'm just curious. I was cleaning out the garage today, since we're getting a new puppy tomorrow and needed to find the old dog kennel; and discovered my old G1 umbrella. It's green with Bon Bon (and I believe Starlight) on; it's not in brilliant shape since it needs a good wash and might even be rusty. I'm just curious if anyone else has come across one in their pony travels.
I have an older, blue one with a clear .... top part. (LOL, forgot what to call that... canopy maybe?) It's cute, but broken. I will look back at my purchase file and see what I payed for it (on Ebay)
. I think it was around $10 with shipping, but I need to check.

Yours sounds cute! I don't know what it'd be worth though.
If I can re-find it tomorrow I'll take a photo. :)
Must admit I'm curious about yours as well. Before I got this one I'd never seen one before. (The problem of being born near the end of the line). :/
It's taken me much longer than I thought it would to get these photos (the wonders of things being stuck in the garage). But here we are, one UK G1 Umbrella from the early 90's with BonBon and Starlight:




As you might be able to see it's a little rusty in places but otherwise in good condition.

From the label it was made in 1994 for British Home Stores (BHS) and licensed by Hasbro International.
I'm not much help because I have no idea what that's worth, but I had to come in and say how much I LOVE it! I don't think I've ever seen that one before. Gratz on finding it again :)
Great umbrella!! I think i paid closer to $20 plus shiping, but im located in the US so it might have had to do with the pounds/dollar conversion.

It is too cute!!
Aww that is super cute!! I totally want one now!
That umbrella is adorable! I love it. Much cuter than mine, which I tried to find a picture of, but can't. It must be on my laptop which is not with me right now. I'll get the pics as soon as possible. Glad this was bumped!
i have an umbrella with the merry go round ponies on it, comes with a bag too

There must have been a Merry go round pony theme at one point. I used to have a schoolbag with them on. I've never heard of them being on an umbrella! :D