What pony games did you play as a kid?


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Jun 7, 2005
Inspired by Blushing Blue's post in the other thread, which made me laugh hard . . .

break. Her favorite activities, which we played alternately ad nauseum, were a "let's have a party" which was basically a pony mosh pit, "let's have a contest" to earn the notice of some invisible "Prince" which also included a lot of wrestling and stomping on each other, and "let's have a fight" which was plain outright gladiatorial combat. I was, I admit, Weirded Out because she showed zero interest in any sort of cooperative (or even non-violent competitive) adventures among her ponies, but by all other respects she's a thoughtful, well-behaved kid. Kind of a "redrum" revelation moment for me...


I did the "let's have a fight!" game too. "Now Bouquet's dueling Fizzy, STAB STAB!" It was always Bouquet vs. Fizzy because they were in that one unicorn pose, perfect for making them lunge forward and, um, stab other ponies. I don't remember why they were doing the stabbing . . . just for fun, I guess!

I also played "wedding" with Parasol and Skydancer (Skydancer was the groom), which mostly consisted of inviting the guests and carefully separating Parasol and Skydancer's tails so that the four colors of hair in their tails were separated. Of course, every time I brushed the tails, the colors would instantly mix again. Why did I think this was fun??

I also played "let's have a play". The baby ponies would put on a play. Baby Moondancer was always the princess. Baby Bouncy was the dragon. (I had the dragon ponywear.) Baby Cuddles was the prince. (Cuddles was a boy.) Cuddles hated being the prince, Baby Moondancer always had to bully him into doing it.

My favorite game was "Oh no, it's Barbie!". Barbie and her army of evil dolls would begin capturing ponies one by one to make them weave garments from their own hair (yes, I saw that episode . . . fortunately I didn't actually give my ponies mohawks) and draw her chariot (oddly, I had NOT seen Rescue at Midnight Castle.) She had net traps, pit traps, bear traps, cage traps, you name it, she had it. Evil, evil Barbie.
I only had five ponies as a girl, but as I remember they went on lots of traveling adventures. I didn't have any boy ponies- all mine were VERY girly!

I think I may have tried to play wedding a couple of times- Flower Bouquet has had stark-white hair for as long as I can remember so I was convinced she was supposed to be a bride pony. But I don't remember whether I ever came up with a groom or not.

I wasn't very old when I decided I wanted them to be decorations, though. A collector young, I was!
Nice... I like "Oh no, it's Barbie!" XD.

I didn't have many ponies when I was a kid, but I did have a friend with many various colorful, plastic horses and a few Barbie-like dolls. There were good Barbie dolls, and usually one bad one (a witch or something) that would kidnap one of the horses and everyone else would have a certain amount of time (we used one of those little hourglasses one gets at the dentist's office, often flipping it more than once) to rescue her. I don't remember what happened if she didn't get rescued... I think it was kind of like The Wizard of Oz or the Disney Aladdin movie...
Let's see, before i got the paradise estate, i had the show stable, and I would put on a fasion wear show, or a hair style show. Which sometimes ended in cat fights. >_<

I did the, first date game. Usually Gusty was the boy, and i would play a pony, no chick in particular, Gusty was like Hue Hefner. Then Salty and the PE came, and Salty was the man. Gusty still had his groupies, and there was a duel between him and Gusty, but Masquerade showed up and made both of them feel like a heal because he had as steady girlfriend and morals. Northstar of course, that's his girl. LOL

When the PE came, i played moving day. Then I would have the ponies put on a play, turning the pool house top into a stage, and performing such great plays as, Romeo and Juliet, Watershipdown, or All dogs go to heaven.

Also once I got the PE, it was common to have siege attacks. Where the ponies would be under-siege by rogue ponies. Dun dun dunnnn. OH NOES. lol.

I also played the hide and go seek pony game of hiding a pony anywhere in the house and waiting for someone (usually my mom) to stumble across it. I think I lost a few that way. Honestly, my mom was very prone to tossing out my stuff. I didn't realize it at the time because i was a dumb kid.
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I mainly played "Ponies" with my two sisters, or my one younger sister, or my younger sister and my friend, Donya.

What playing "Ponies" entailed is basically setting them up first- out of the tiny suitcase we kept them in. They lived in Ponyland, which was basically a field. Powder (Jackie) was the leader of the ponies. There was only one boy- a green fakie.
Well, something would always happen- either my dog or cat would come up and they would be the magical being that the ponies would have to gain the trust of, or fight if it was my evil, evil cat. A troop of ponies was set out, so that my sisters and I could develop the characters more- I would be a bunch at once, but mainly one or two, get my drift? I really liked that green fakie. I also had a yellow fakie named "Haley" because she had a comet on her side. Anyway... sometimes a Barbie would be thrown into the mix, but she'd be more like a Megan doll, and instead of her helping the ponies, she needed their help, because they were magic and all.

Playing ponies rarely entailed doing hair- but as I got older, my younger sister and I did play with the Cabbage Patch pony fakies' hair a lot more. Nail polish was involved, but thankfully only for the fakies.

I really loved playing ponies- if I still played, I'd be seriously paralyzed at looking at who all I have to choose from. It was easy when I was younger as we only had 12 between us, but now I have like, over 200 and they are all so different!
Oh, haha, I almost forgot how I still play some. Alphabittle is my new kitchen buddy and little Doodles sits by while I do customs. There are always ponies around!
LOL "Oh no, it's Barbie!" My favorite game to play with my handful of Barbies was "Let's dismember Ken in a grisly Amazonian frenzy!" What is it about Barbie that inspires such villainy?

When I played with my ponies, I'm afraid I was a strict segregationist. "Rule #1: There are no humans in Ponyland. Rule #2: There are NO HUMANS IN PONYLAND!" Ponies only interacted with themselves, Battle Cat and Panthor, and the Dinobots and Insecticons. Swift Wind and Clawdeen occasionally acted as ambassadors for the world of She-Ra, but it was absolutely taboo for Angella to fly to the other side of the bed and have diplomatic relations with Majesty herself. The only exception to the rule was Skeletor, whom I may have had a small crush on and apparently didn't count as human enough. He was never a villain, though. He may have been a bit grumpy, but really he was a huge woobie underneath. (The Xmas special was total vindication for me.) Looking back I can see that I was just OMGJELUS!!1! of Megan et al, but it seemed completely logical at the time to exclude other dolls... I mean... the scale for one thing... and, you know... *trails off and waves her hands vaguely*

As far as actual play, I would sometimes act out heroic adventures with my herd and their allies against unseen foes, and my seaponies loved to rescue wayward ponies who would fall into the sink/tub/pool. It's weird, but I remember loving to play "fetch" with my adult seaponies, sinking them to the bottom of the pool and having to dive in and try to gather them all in one breath. I think I must have been a huge dork. I don't ever recall my play involving pony-on-pony violence, which was probably why I was all o__O when that little girl was trying to engage me in mortal combat.

Mainly I would play "pageant" with my ponies, since I was obsessed with Miss America when I was little. I would spend all day getting them each washed and brushed and ribboned and styled to show of their individual assets, then try to get my mother to judge them from 1-5 based on their looks while parading around and little profile "interviews" I would make up for them detailing their likes and dislikes, hobbies and habits, quirks and flaws. Invariably, my mother, bless her, would try to weasel out with the old "They're all beautiful in their own way, how can I choose? I'll hurt their feelings" schtick, but I would be adamant that yes, they are all beautiful, but There Can Be Only One. (Eventually I figured out that she was biased toward unicorns and disbanded the pageant on grounds of being unfair.) But, while uncreative, at least this sort of play left them in very good condition... or would have, if my mother hadn't thrown them all out after I left for college. So much for hurting their feelings! =P
My ponies used to battle.

Well, they played nicely quite often, too. But I remember the battles the best. No deaths. Just pulled tails and manes. :p Poor little ponies! Teams were generally organized by colors.

I remember taking some ponies on the top of the slide we had out in the back yard and pretending that the pegs could really fly by launching them off the slide. That was great fun and kept me entertained for awhile.

I would also construct houses for them and group them into families and play house.
I used to play a game where the ponies would get older. I'd make a family and in my family i always had the green mini pony from a modile whom i called Locket. As the game went on Locket would get older so she went from that tiny green pony to newbron baby snoozy, to baby brightbow, to Sea breeze and finally to Secret Beauty....and then the game always stopped just before she died ^_~
Oh my, my ponies went everywhere with me. Which is probably why my originals look so loved, lol. My friend and I used to see how high the pegasus could fly, which meant us launching them as high as we could and letting them fall in the grass or drive way....that would be how poor Best Wishes spent 6 months stuck in the gutter over the garage because I was too scarred to ask my dad to get it down, lol. Luckily my neighbor did one day only to find one side of her was completely orange and she had the biggest june bug I've ever seen stuck in her hair....RIP poor best wishes, lol.

I used to take them to day camp too that was at an elemtrary school and we'd make up all kinds of games on the slides and such. They used to go swimming with me when we lived in florida when I hade a pool and I got a bunch of sea ponies. I always had a blast with my paradise estate too:D
LOL - "Oh No It's Barbie" is hilarious. I love the imagination behind all the pony games.

When I was little I mainly played with the Show Stable. I would create elaborate obstacle courses - using shoe boxes, empty TP rolls, canned goods - basically anything I could get my hands on. The competition was intense - though Blossom always seemed to win (she was my favorite) and her best friend Cotton Candy would be the "runner-up".

When the ponies weren't competing - they were playing Dress-Up with Peachy at the Pretty Parlor. They often had slumber parties there as well.

I never had (but always wanted) the Dream Castle. What I did get was Glory, baby Glory and Moondancer - who became my unicorn royal family and were always trying - unsuccessfully - to find their way back home to the castle. Of course Blossom and Cotton Candy were always trying to help them - which led to some exciting adventures outside of the house!
Ahhh, ponies. The memories.

I had a ton and I always had to set up. I'd set them up in families or groups of roommates and often stash them around the yard. My family had a big rock pile, so I'd also do things like pull out a bunch of rocks and do outlines of buildings on the driveway. Unfortunately, due to numbers, far too often my friends would come over, we'd set up, and because there was so much to set up, by the time we'd finish it would be time for them to clean up and go home.

I got a stuffed lion at some point that came in a little metal cage that was just a perfect size for ponies. My bad guys (the Peculiar Purple Pieman, a PVC Professor Coldheart, sometimes Jem or other Barbie-like dolls) would often capture a pony and put them in that cage. That cage got played with more than the poor plush lion ever did.

I hated Magic Star when I was little (I have no clue how I ended up with her if I hated her, but whatever) and was one of the ponies I was always trying to foist on someone else to play, but as I got older, things reversed and I loved her. She became the head of the magicians that helped protect the ponies. Mirror Mirror, Bunny Hop, Seashell, and Bubbles were the other magicians. Seashell and Bubbles were particularly potent in their magic when they would put the diamonds on their foreheads together.

A friend of my had SS Gusty and when we played together, she insisted that that Gusty be queen. Eventually I got my own NSS Gusty (in retrospect, I am absolutely amazed that we found her in a store MOC literally years after she'd been originally released), and when the one girl wasn't involved, my Gusty would be the queen. I had a little fur shawl thing from my Jem doll that Gusty would wear as her royal cape. Quarterback, being the only BB I had, was usually king. Baby Gusty was the princess, obviously, and she often wore a shiny cape from a She-ra doll I had and lost. I didn't have Firefly myself, but friends did, so when they played, Firefly and Medley would be palace guards because of their pose. Strangely, though a friend did have Peppermint Crunch, she never became a guard.

My brothers had Baby Racer and Baby Countdown, but they decided they didn't want to play with ponies fairly early on. We all had Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles too, so we'd play ponies and turtles together and the turtles would sometimes ride on the ponies, as they were a pretty good fit.

That's all I can think of at the moment.
*laughs* My ponies and Barbies never interacted! I can't remember why. Molly on the other hand did.

Our favorite storyline was influenced by the CareBears movie 2, the one when they're babies. We had all the baby ponies under the care of their parents, Lemondrop and Salty. Their old home had gotten flooded and they were looking for a new home. The boat was a plastic kid's suitcase opened up so it was more a raft, lol. Of course they found Dreamvalley where they grew up, yay! There was a bad guy involved but I can't remember what it was (I think it was a large plush bear).

Another favorite was based on "Bright Lights", Salty, Dancing Butterflies, Whizzer and Medly (the latter were boys too) had their own band and went on tour a lot. We always listened to the radio when we played ponies and when a song we liked came on that was sung by guys, we'd instantly make the boys do a performance. I made little capes with their names in puffy paint for them, they were supposed to be like t-shirts, lol.

The next storyline was rather long: Powder was a higher being sent to earth in pony form to protect Salty's band, specifically Whizzer as he was going to meet his future wife on tour and their child would be the leader of the Higher Ones reborn (or something like that) Well poor old Powder fell prey to her own mortal emotions, fell in love with Lovebeam, and somehow got seperated from him and the band, and ended up in this country where all males old enough were taken away to work in the mines. Powder managed to escape with her young son Lickety Split before the authorities could take him and ended up in Dreamvalley and discovered that everything was all right: Whizzer and Streaky had gotten married and their daughter baby Love Melody was the One. Even better was Powder's husband was there too! The Higher Ones called her back and made her stand trial for failing in her duties and for *gasp* giving in to base mortal emotions! But baby Love Melody (who knows who she really is) steps up and says that's how it was supposed to be as her son was important too (I think LicketySplit was LoveMelody's consort and paladin later on) so Powder is freed and chooses to remain with her family:) Boy, this was long winded! And no, I never saw the Terminator movie then!
barbies and ponies totally mixed in my games. Barbie became Megan's family cause I decided she needed one. Also we had one of those flower girl dolls? The ones with green leggs and a flower dress and their hair matched the flower colour? Well, she was always Megan's sister cause I'd lost my Molly early on. When ever I mixed barbies and ponies the barbies looked after them because they were so much bigger.

Between my older sister and I we had a ton of ponies, well, maybe not a ton, but way more then any of my friends. When the two of us played together our game was about two hours of building homes for the ponies, half an hour of actual play and then cleaning up.

When my two best friends and I got together it was a whole other matter. We would carefully remove any duplicate ponies from our personal groups so there would be no chance of having two of the same one. We'd make sure to remember who's was being used too. We'd set all the ponies up in the middle of the room and sit around them. Then we'd each take turns picking our favourites. I always got to go first because I was the youngest and we'd decided early on that it was the fairest way to do it. I think I influenced that, I was kinda the prima dona of the group and chose our games and such things. We would then have the ponies be part of individual herds and interact with each other.

On my own pony play was varied depending on my mood, though they never battled. They had arguments sometimes but never full fights. They would go on adventures through the house, often ending up with a parent or my older sister grabbing one and playing with me for five minutes or so at a time.
Sometimes I would go to my parents bedroom with my bin of ponies, dump them o the floor, grab a story record and put it on, my favourite was Peter and the Wolf. Then the baby ponies would each take a role from teh story and act it out as I listened to the story. If there was singing I wuld belt out the song while pretending the babies were singing.
If we went to the cottage I was allowed to bring a handful of ponies and they would go on grand adventures in the wilderness, although this came to a sudden halt when I nearly lost my precious Gusty to the lake. She had been sitting on a rock and a bit of wind blew her into the water and she started to drift away, thankfully it wasn't too deep there and I wasn't afraid of getting wet, or wasn't too young to be able to go in the water alone. From then on the ponies didn't go near the water, although Gusty got tons fo attention from the other ponies. That was the last year I took them to the cottage though.
My parents wouldn't get me the Dream Castle, so I cut windows and doors in a cardboard box and that was my pony castle, lol.