G1 Cat Pee Pony Updated: Pony destroyed

I've tried with white vinegar before, I left them submerged for almost a whole week before taking them out. But they weren't so softs...

Yea you can't really do that with a so soft. I think the acidic level in the vinegar would ruin a so soft if it was soaked in it a week. Plus, vinegar has never worked for me on any thing. I don't really like to use it. The ponies smell like Easter Eggs. ROFLOL Thanks though. I am making progress with the enzymatic solutions.
Yea you can't really do that with a so soft. I think the acidic level in the vinegar would ruin a so soft if it was soaked in it a week. Plus, vinegar has never worked for me on any thing. I don't really like to use it. The ponies smell like Easter Eggs. ROFLOL Thanks though. I am making progress with the enzymatic solutions.

A solution of vinegar and water? And let it soak for short periods in the sun?

Not a SS pony but I'm doing that vinegar treatment with a plush that suffered a cat-pee related accident (remember to not put things where can be knocked down near the litter box... -.-)

Poor pony -.-
Well, sad news. The very minimal I have done has destroyed the pony. She has lost large amounts of her flocking. She was in mint condition. Should have just returned her. Lesson learned. Money down the drain again due to poor sales purchases on ebay. I am really, really, really upset right now. My dh is trying to do damage control but I am not happy. The thing is I was so careful, I actually never scrubbed her, used harsh chemicals and never used hot water. Its just depressing. I am so disappointed. I feel stupid too. I hate that.
With all her fuzz gone maybe she won't smell anymore? Might as well go ahead and deflock and see what happens. Did her symbol survive? I think the deflocks are pretty.

Or we can discuss that custom cat pee pony again...you've got the perfect bait, she's even scented!
I agree with Gingerbread, now that her flocking isn't an issue maybe you can scrub it off and save her. Deflocked Ponies are still fun! They're just nekkid.
Oh gosh you guys are terrible. ROFLOL She still has some of her flocking. You know how they lose that fluffy feeling (do not insert music here!!) :) You know me I can't say anything that it doesn't come out all wrong. This is what two weeks of only 3 hours of sleep a night will do to a person. Anyway....her color is more visible in places. Its coming completely off in some areas and guess which area has the best flocking left? Her bum. Yep, the point of impact and it survived stench, flocking and all. Head palm.

I know I know the fallout from my post is going to me huge, epic....
Just asking, who is the pony? *crosses fingers it's not Wind Whistler LOL*
Oh gosh you guys are terrible. ROFLOL She still has some of her flocking. You know how they lose that fluffy feeling (do not insert music here!!) :) You know me I can't say anything that it doesn't come out all wrong. This is what two weeks of only 3 hours of sleep a night will do to a person. Anyway....her color is more visible in places. Its coming completely off in some areas and guess which area has the best flocking left? Her bum. Yep, the point of impact and it survived stench, flocking and all. Head palm.

I know I know the fallout from my post is going to me huge, epic....
She's gonna be known as Cat Pee pony for ever and ever =X

Or otherwise, as "Let's prove what works to eliminate cat pee smell on a so soft and see if in the process there's another way to deflock a pony easily". (Okay... I should stop and go sleep -.-)
Yes cat pee pony is named forever. She is such a pitiful girl.
Oh no. Poor tulagirl. You really oughtta rip the seller a new one. I am so sorry. :(
Sorry tula but there is no way they could have missed this. Which pony is it? You ought to return it, get your money back and use it to buy a pony not covered in pee, then have a firm talk with the seller about why this behavior should not fly. Though no one should have to tell people that selling items soaked in an animal's bodily fluids is wrong. They may not have been at fault for the cat peeing on it, but they were responsible for sending it out and not saying a word. Can you at least let people know which seller it was so no one else has to worry about unsanitary items?

I agree!

Though it sounds like it's not really fit to be returned at this point, so my suggestion is to fully deflock, regardless. I think deflocks can be really pretty! What pony is it?
Now that her flocking is toast, go in for a good brushing with toothpaste! It does wonders with scent and staining! And I hope you left that seller appropriate feedback!!!

I don't know what kind of feedback to leave because she offered a refund to me and I didn't take it. It hardly seems fair to give her a negative when I wasn't willing to go through the fuss of a return. I am lost on what to do feedback wise and so I have pulled a 5 star Tula response. I have done nothing. booooooo I know.

De-flocking sounds good. I may have to send her for help with that because, I don't think I can do it.

Seeing as Chloe' got up on the sink and I caught her licking my toothbrush, I have an excellent tooth brush to use. Cat Pee Pony meets Cat Drippy Tongue.

Stay Tuned for the next episode of, "As Tula Turns."
But, mama! You want Chloe to have good dental hygiene, right? She NEEDS to brush her pearlies!

You'll have to show us how she turns out after her deflocking. Which sounds very much like a medieval torture.
But, mama! You want Chloe to have good dental hygiene, right? She NEEDS to brush her pearlies!

You'll have to show us how she turns out after her deflocking. Which sounds very much like a medieval torture.

In comparison to humans it is a form of torture. Its like a full body bikini wax. Also Chloe feels that her tongue needs a brush rather than her teeth. Personally, I think she just wanted to enjoy my mint toothpaste. The only thing that has me slightly upset is how often I might have used my toothbrush prior to me catching her licking it.:eek: Suddenly, I feel the object of a seriously demented frat boy prank.