How do you organize your pony collection?


Festive FelizNavidad Pony
MLPTP Supporter
Jan 3, 2006
I have several different methods. Since I'm going to be moving soon and all my ponies and pony things will need to be boxed up for a few weeks I thought now might be a good time to reconsider my organizing ways. Right now I have all my accessories in 1 giant rubbermaid tub (not the best idea I've had) My ponies are displayed on shelfs (no problem there) and my playsets are in boxes till I have room for them. As far as cataloging my items I have a binder with a section for US ponies, Non-US ponies, accessories and so on. I use the check lists from the Dream Valley website which I think are helpful and then I have Debra's books which I check off too. Sometimes it can be a little overwhelming it seems. For example if I get a new pony I have like, 3 places to go and mark it off. I'm mostly trying to come up with a good, space saving way to organize accessories and display playsets.
So how do you guys catalog, display and organize your pony things?
I tend to group all the same poses together. My collection is pretty small, though, so it doesn't take up much space...
Before they were packed up, I had them grouped by babies, Long Hairs, Certain Holidays...I guess basically the specific type of pony such as sparkle, etc. :) I really need to go back in and reorganize my spreadsheet though. I used to have them organized by year, but then I just squished them all together and I've got ONE LONG LIST! :shock: I need to regroup! LOL!
My favorites are on my desk, and I have shelves all over my bedroom with the more favorites being the most seen and the least favorite on the low shelves or my husband's side. He gets to look at the dull ones :)
Phantasy said:
I tend to group all the same poses together.

I organize my ponies by pose as well. I've noticed more can fit on my shelf if they're arranged that way. ^.^
I made my own checklist, kind of a fusion of Dream Valley's and the one with all the MIP and accessory info (can't think of the name right off... is that one It prints onto little half-size pages that fit in a little binder I bought. So that's chronological, pretty much (going by Dream Valley's ordering) - so then, I line 'em up on the shelves pretty much the same way. So on my first shelf, I have the big My Pretty Ponies, then the FF six, then the second set of earth ponies, blah blah blah. I started doing it that way a few years ago, to try and keep my collecting focused - and not just snap up every random G1 I find on eBay that I think is cute.

Of couse, I'm totally held up on the 4th year, since I'm too cheap to drop $35 on a sea pony WITH shell, but I can't move on until I do.... *sigh* I'm such a twit. Anyway, that's how mine go. And I think they look cute like that, with all their colors and poses mixed in. Maybe I can figure out how to take and post a picture... hmmm.

Right now I'm much like you in that I have like 3 places where I keep track of my pony thangs.

First I'll get into the actual ponies. Right now I have most of my G1s in a bookshelf which has glass doors. It's the kind that lawyers often have- and you can take it apart each shelf without tools. I have the babies and my MLP sewing machine and the Rainbow Ponies on the bottom shelf, then all the year 2-4 ponies on the middle shelf. On the top shelf I have my Pretty Parlor and all my Flat Footers with their Parlor nametags in front of them. And lastly I have on the top of the whole thing just a jumble of ponies such as TAFs, Big Brothers, Wingers, and the box to my Pretty Parlor.

As for G3s, the bulk of them are boxed up right now, and same goes for the G2s. However, on my desk I have a little display with about 8 G3s. And at my boyfriend's house I happen to have a whole shelf on his bookcase taken up by G3s and other pony items.

Now on to the cataloging! *Wades through paper and electronic files to show you to the main room*

I have Hilary's Inventory book which I check off the pony and any accessories in. I also write down next to it if I traded or bought it, if it was from my childhood collection, if it is a duplicate or a bait, and if it is only in my collection temporarily (if it's for sale or trade.) I also have numerous spreadsheets on my computer where I have a list of each pony, how much it cost, how much shipping was attached, how much it's currently worth, and if it's MIB/MOC or if it's for sale or trade.

Hmm... I also have a binder which I keep printed inventory in so I can keep it at a glance.

I allllsooooo have a pony budget inventory which is just a text file. It has every pony I have in order of months of purchase. It has next to the month the amount I spent that month, with the amount of ponies I got that month. Then below that is a list of each pony I bought during that month, and next to it is how much it cost (including shipping) and all the details (if it is for trade or if it's MIB.)

I also have a spreadsheet which holds my G3 brush inventory.

Bah, I'm just like you, Gingerbread! I've got so many places to check things off that it's becoming a chore to do so.

I think that I may cut back to just the Hilary book and my Budget inventory that goes by month. Those seem to be the best.

Here's my very disorganized collection display from this past summer (I only had 40-60 ponies at this time.)

Here's my current computer desk set-up:


And here's my current-ish G1 display:
I don't really organise, I just pop them on my shelves when and as I get them.



*drools over the UK MOC goodness*

I have OCD so I am really particular about my pony organising :p . On the shelves they are displayed in the same poses. It looks way neater and I like seeing how many there is of each mold :)

I have a checklist that I printed off from the mylittleponycollector website and it's great! There are a few ponies missing from it but I wrote them in so it's all good. I use Ponytopia's ones for my G3's. My backcards and accessories are stored in a big tub. The brushes are put into baggies with a note that says which colour belongs to which pony. I try to put only unique colours in each bag (so there isn't 5 pink, etc). It may sound anal but believe me it makes such a big difference! It only takes a few minutes to do at the time and in 10 years I'll be thanking myself :lol: .

I could go on and on but you get the idea :p
Let me start by saying - all the collection displays are wonderful!

I have a few different collections going, and since MLP is by far the smallest they don't have their own hutch (yet)

I have the ponies in groups. I have the 6 FF and some of my favorites on my bedroom vanity. My daughter has the original 6 CF and a few birthflowers on her vanity. My son has the misc ponies on the hutch in his bedroom, nestled between my husband's collectibles (husband isn't thrilled about this, but the boy really likes the ponies). The baby has the Show Stable, Pretty Parlor and the extra accessories under her crib. There's also a plastic bin of G3 and McDonald's ponies in the playroom.

I started with a list (spreadsheet) of all the ponies I wanted. Then went from there.

When it comes to tracking things everyone has their own system.
I group mine by sets, generations, and the like. I have my MOC's hanging on the wall in my closet and my dream castle with all my princesses and bushwoolies on a shelf.
Into sets, I find it easier, if I were a really clever person I would do them althabetically :wink: as well but I'm not.
I have an excel spread sheet with my G1's and G3's listed in the order that I purchased them, their condition, any accessories I have, and what I paid for each. I have a second spreadsheet that lists everyone in order of year released. I also use Dream Valley's G1 checklist, and Silverfall's Ponytopia G3 checklists.

As for the actual ponies, I have them on a bookcase with 2 shelves of G1's and 2 shelves of G3's. I have the G1's grouped by type (rainbow, so softs, collector's pose, etc.) and the G3's are kinda by group and kinda just how I like them.

I'm moving in August and I hope I can find a house with some great built-ins, or at least more space for shelving and display cabinets. I'm quickly overgrowing this one little bookcase.
I don't, not really. The only ones that are organized at all are the ones from my childhood, and that's just because I like to keep them on a special shelf...then again, I don't have any ponies out right now.
I order the US ponies by when they were released, and my other countries and special MOs like Rapunzel have a shelf all to themselves.