Random Pony Thoughts

So they made Big Brother ponies but didn't make Teddy, Ace or Lancer?
Epecially since they usually released characters based off the shows.
Tbf it's a toyline first, cartoon second.
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I was just so passionately peeved that they almost denied us warrior women dolls with the shera line. What a bunch of poops. :rofl: :poop:
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Fully agreed. I felt like the MLP "The Toys That Made Us" was a total fail. I'm glad MLP had an episode but we all know there must've been lots of business meetings about it and strategic planning and hopes at make a ba-jillion dollars. Who cares about that? I want to know about creating the world of ponies and the ponies. Why did they choose the ideas they did? Who on the team loved or created which ponies? What ideas didn't get made or were fought for or about? I'm here for the art. I don't care that everything was market-tested. lol
I saw people claim most of He-man team was LGBT and put in names like Fisto as intentional crass jokes (as in not homophobes were saying it), you never can say what is true.
Did you see the latest Series, Heman: Revelations? At one point they show Fisto talking about an enemy and he literally says, "I sure would like to fist him!" I was like: eeeeeerrrr-WHAT? lol

But yes, I'm so thankful that despite anyone's non-caring attitude about making Pony, or He-man (or whatever).... so thankful the art and magic came through anyway. Pony transcends everything it was at first meant to be!
Why couldn't they go the way of Breyer and make a barely-noticeable sheath the only biological sex indicator? (I heard a friend rant about eyelashes on boys and my only reaction was a tired sigh)
Time to bust out a picture of a male horse's face for your friend!
Who looked at the BBE babies and thought, "Yes, this is it"?!

And who saw them at the store and said, "Yes, this is what little Suzie wants for her birthday. It will absolutely not haunt her in her nightmares for the rest of her life"?
Not a clue. G3 baby unicorns would have been sooo adorable!
Yes, with those stubby little horns... Oh my... G3 babies are already incredibly adorable with their giant legs and short snouts... Let's petition Basic Fun, to make them, cause now I need to have one!
Yes, with those stubby little horns... Oh my... G3 babies are already incredibly adorable with their giant legs and short snouts... Let's petition Basic Fun, to make them, cause now I need to have one!
What do you mean only one? :winkpony:
I am scared to look it up.

I actually meant theu'd be barely-noticeable in MLP art style, God knows I had been surprise-flashed by some plastic horses.
With Breyer, realism is generally the goal. With ponies, they're cute little fantasy creatures aimed at small children and with our body taboos in western culture it's probably wise of Hasbro just to not even approach it, haha.
I know they're snowflakes, but Powder's symbol always reminded me of those little mini metal landmines, from the game Ball and Jacks.
I know they're snowflakes, but Powder's symbol always reminded me of those little mini metal landmines, from the game Ball and Jacks.
I could see that! I always wondered why they didn't correct pony poses that didn't stand well. Take the Buttons pose, I have a Hula Hula that won't stand without assistance, but I found a Fizzy in the same pose that stands great. Did they fix it? Or did I get lucky? Lol Or did anyone else feel like the crumpet pose (magic mirror, strawberries and cream, etc) like that pose leans awkwardly forward. Absurdly so in some ponies! I was like, "nobody ever fixed the front legs to make her stand more upright. I have a princess pony in that pose and she constantly falls over. I'm almost totally turned off of ponies in that pose after a few heavy front leaners! :rofl: Does anyone else struggle with certain poses and keeping their ponies upright?