What's on your mind?

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Super icy where I live so everything has been cancelled all week. My family’s car slid into the yard (no damage and no one hurt thankfully) while we were trying to go down our driveway. We just wanted some groceries…
super excited about the package i got from @/Rainbow Magic's shop today :ponylove: <3
Bought chicken feed the other day... almost $50 for 100 lbs of cracked corn. I remember when $9 for 50 lbs seemed expensive.

ETA: Also wanted to add that I won't be real active over the next couple months. I'm helping family friends on their ranch, so I'm not home most of the time. :>
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I know feed my area gone up too... almost $20 for quality 50lb goat feed and rabbit feed I use close $25 for 50lb and was last year $19 to $20
dog and cat food gone up... .25 per can to $5 dry food... I lucky that local farmers grow some like oats, barley ect and try buy such and add grain to insure that livestock get nutritional needs... Livestock dealers who do try fool farmers to get animals cheap special close auction is from me is 4 hrs one way and only open seasonal....Its more small scale and not run like other high auctions out state... But I know last year the new Auctioneer @ the state only livestock auction has trying curve games local dealers and try give fair prices farmers...
Alot regular folks don't relies cost and games that farmers have raise... I know this year will interested because state add .15 containers tax on alot pesticides containers which included in list sanitizers other clean agency...
I have debated I should move out state because area I live been form depression before covid and have small community that people think right control other properties special if u not in their click...
I have no friends local and I live here 15 yrs.. Alot to do I not in local click...
Y’all ever just cry because you’re overwhelmed with love for something ridiculously specific and not exactly sentimental?

African bullfrogs. Words can’t describe how much I love African bullfrogs. I hope this picture can convey the intensity of my love for them instead.

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I've got a list of about 20 things like this! For me it switches which thing I'm most obsesed with at random!
it can last anywhere from a couple days to a full year and things always come back around again!
currently I can't stop thinking about ranchu goldfish, squishmallows, and anything related to Kyary Pamyu Pamyu!
I know feed my area gone up too... almost $20 for quality 50lb goat feed and rabbit feed I use close $25 for 50lb and was last year $19 to $20
dog and cat food gone up... .25 per can to $5 dry food... I lucky that local farmers grow some like oats, barley ect and try buy such and add grain to insure that livestock get nutritional needs... Livestock dealers who do try fool farmers to get animals cheap special close auction is from me is 4 hrs one way and only open seasonal....Its more small scale and not run like other high auctions out state... But I know last year the new Auctioneer @ the state only livestock auction has trying curve games local dealers and try give fair prices farmers...
Alot regular folks don't relies cost and games that farmers have raise... I know this year will interested because state add .15 containers tax on alot pesticides containers which included in list sanitizers other clean agency...
I have debated I should move out state because area I live been form depression before covid and have small community that people think right control other properties special if u not in their click...
I have no friends local and I live here 15 yrs.. Alot to do I not in local click...
It's a difficult (and scary!) time to be involved in agriculture, that's for sure! Even hobbyists are struggling at the moment. :( My family owns a few hundred acres here in the northwestern U.S., and between the drought, fires, and extreme temperatures, we're being forced to sell off a lot of animals. The land just can't support them.

Sounds as though we're in similar boats! I'm also in a small rural area, and we got a nasty 'welcome' upon moving here about ten years ago. I won't go into details as this is a public (and PG-rated) forum, but it was rough. It makes entering the local job market a lot more difficult than it would be otherwise. (Not that there's much of a job market anyway... ) And, being regenerative ranchers, we butt heads with people who are angry that we don't follow traditional methods. I'm sorry, but I don't believe that animal abuse and heavy chemical usage should be considered 'traditional.'

That's good that you're able to source locally produced grains! I wish I had that option, but a lot of the farms here are being shut down and turned into apartment complexes. For what, I honestly don't know - there's hardly any employment (or even recreation!) in this area, and what there is doesn't provide a living wage. IMO we need a local economy before we start expecting folks to live here, but what do I know? Small farmers here have tried for years to encourage small towns businesses, yet the locals have told us (to our faces) that they'd rather drive to Costco than spend an extra fifty cents on produce. Kicker is, the nearest Costco is about 120 miles away (round trip), so whatever they'd save is spent on fuel.

Anyways, sorry for the lengthy rant. It's nice talking to someone who shares some of the same frustrations.
Broke my foot
Broke my foot
Oh no! I’m sorry to hear that! I’m only recently healed from a sprain. Sending you warm and healing thoughts. <3
Poor dear! I know how that is :(
Is it unlucky lefty? or wrong way righty?
I laughed so hard at the latter part of that. My issues always stem from “wrong way righty.” Your too funny friend.
Honestly everything on my mind right now boils down to stress and anxiety and seriously needing, but not being good at taking, a break. A break from trying too hard, a break from thinking too much and being so goal-oriented that I burn myself out. I need to just learn how to take things slow and stop counting progress.

What's on my mind is how much I just need to take a really deep breath and stop trying.
I'm kinda sad today. My boyfriend started his new job, I'm happy about that, but for about the last year, I've had him everyday here with me (I work from home), so its bittersweet he got a job lol

but at least I know he is excited and now I don't have to freeze cause he keeps the room so freaking cold lol
After a week of intense study, I've finally decided my path for the upcoming Rune Factory 5: I'm going to play as Ares and marry Lucas. Lucas gives me a lot of the same vibes Soseki from ANB and Ford from 3oT gave me while seeming to be a fresh take on the archetype. (They reeeeaaaaally overplayed the whole "This man is OLD! He's SO MUCH OLDER than you!" angle with Soseki; part of why I love Ford so much more is because they Don't Do That. Aside from it being brought up a few times, they leave it at "There's an age gap but you're both adults so it's nothing sensational". That seems to be the case with Lucas too!)

Ah, I can't wait!! If I have the extra with my next paycheck, I think I'll forego my bi-weekly pony purchase and preorder~

I'm kinda sad today. My boyfriend started his new job, I'm happy about that, but for about the last year, I've had him everyday here with me (I work from home), so its bittersweet he got a job lol

but at least I know he is excited and now I don't have to freeze cause he keeps the room so freaking cold lol
Things are going to go great! A partner getting a job that keeps you apart can be bittersweet, but that just makes the time you get to spend together that much sweeter.
After a week of intense study, I've finally decided my path for the upcoming Rune Factory 5: I'm going to play as Ares and marry Lucas. Lucas gives me a lot of the same vibes Soseki from ANB and Ford from 3oT gave me while seeming to be a fresh take on the archetype. (They reeeeaaaaally overplayed the whole "This man is OLD! He's SO MUCH OLDER than you!" angle with Soseki; part of why I love Ford so much more is because they Don't Do That. Aside from it being brought up a few times, they leave it at "There's an age gap but you're both adults so it's nothing sensational". That seems to be the case with Lucas too!)

Ah, I can't wait!! If I have the extra with my next paycheck, I think I'll forego my bi-weekly pony purchase and preorder~
Aaaaaaaa!!!! Another runefactory fan!!!!!!!!!!
OMG!!!! Are you new to the series? If not which game was our first? My first game was 2! Do you have a favorite? My favorite is 4! <3

In 5 I'm picking Alice and marrying Martin! I had such a hard time choosing but after almost 2 years of waiting I've finally decided! lol

I took the who are you most compatible with quiz on the rf5 website and I kept getting Lucas! Nooo website quiz! My heart belongs to Martin the blacksmith!
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