Picture of the new winged unicorn pony and new animated character

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her head looks like mewtoo :O
Oh dear, I am not a fan at all. Not of the pony or the new logo. :(
I think the unicorn thing would look *a little* better if it had more than a little pinch for a mouth/nose
*de-lurks, snoops around*


G5 is here. :circle:

*goes back into lurk mode*
I like them. I want them. I couldn't care less about the logo one way or another. I don't buy things for their logo anyway so I don't put alot of thought into whether I like it or not. I suppose it's boring but it matters not to me. I could do without the button on her side but I've never been fond of buttons on my ponies. I love ponies. For better or for worse. And really, I don't think these are so bad. Like I said, I like them. I also don't tend to be terribly picky, but still, I like them.

And these are my thoughts on kids not liking new ponies as much as old ones. I know kids typically prefer the old ponies. Thing is, very few children have actually ever seen the old ponies. Lets face it, kids around us as collectors know more about ponies than the average child. Most kids aren't comparing the new ponies to the old ponies and probably like them fine. Most kids may not even totally connect that they are supposed to be the same line as the older ponies. I know when I was a kid, and then more recently watching my niece and nephew play, you mix and match things that look nothing alike from completely different brands and styles of toys all the time. They don't really worry too much about what "goes together" unless someone outside influences them. That's why Barbie can marry your favorite teddy bear and their child can be, I dunno, a Transformer! Kids just play and that's all that matters.

my long opinion; boo.
I'm going to get a couple of those winged unicorns, just so I can gut one and make it into a Tirek custom :) I think that pose and body style would be perfect! And why does pinkie pie have wings?

edit: and acoording to sisby on DA, the blue peg is RainbowDash : MLP by *Sibsy on deviantART
You'll have to scroll down her comments a bit to see it though.
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THAT'S RD?? Wth?...PP at least looks like herself, minus the wings (please don't tell us that everyone can turn into a Peg when they feel like it-that'd be HORRIBLE!) but that is so not RD...unless it's a boy, then I could buy that...i like Rainbow Storm better still though....

:reaper: Kat :reaper:
I don't think she looks evil at all- she has attitude and is probably ready to kick some evil butt! She'll probably be a strong character a la The Powerpuff girls.

I like her but am in agreement that she doesn't really look like a My Little Pony. I'm not thrilled about the huge eyes dominating the new line because I think Littlest Pet Shop and Bratz have already done that. But, I am excited to see the direction this goes and I am also a fan of Lauren Faust. I think she and her husband are creative and funny!

So, I will be buying one!
that ......erm.... horse is very nice!
but i hate the eyes...
I'm pretty supportive of all the changes...

But I will say this IF that is Rainbow Dash I'm going to have to jump ship.

Earth Ponies =/= Pegasus

Yeah that would kill it for me. I can deal with a lot of change, that's just not one of them!
*willow is having a seizure*

*cough* In all seriousness... I can't wait for this new line to start. New cartoon, new toys...
Oh man, what if they have like super powers or something!
Either way, It's feels good to see those faces again.
I am officially excited about this new direction.

And from an artistic point of view, I really like that they aren't using harsh black lines for outlining.
They look softer and much more colorful. I love colored outlines, I was using that technique for the umm... the pony abc book that I never finished... :blush:
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I quite like the new cartoon style. I think Posey looks very sweet. I can't wait for this!
That Uni-peg is creepy! Does look evil...has an alien villian look to it, once again stupid big head and feet with scary huge slanted eyes like Bratz dolls. It doesn't seem to fit with the happy little girl that is brushing her...it's like the little girl is completely unaware that she is brushing an evil toy intent on taking over the world lol. Anyway, the character is cute...would make a great regular G3 pony character...don't know about the way it is animated though...seems like cartoons these days have no real thought going into them as far as animation goes...look like little kids drew them or something.
These are all from the tv show's facebook, found here: My Little Pony *Friendship is Magic* | Facebook

Looks like we'll be seeing more familiar faces!





I'm sorry I'm all for Glory, I'm a Glory girl, a Glory nutcase, I want her in this style, but THAT is not Glory. That is a Glory/Sparkler hybrid NOT Glory.

Thanks for sharing those pics Beth :catfly:
I'm probably the last person in the world not to have a FB account!

Re: new styles.

like...? don't like...? hmmm.............
Well any change is an improvement on those dreadful G3.5s, right?

I don't have a FB either Kar! My sibs and mom do though (so why do I nee done too?) :lol:

I was looking forward to the new show and thought the new style was a nice change. Yes they definately are an improvement on the 3-9s, especially since they're bring back other chars, HOWEVER with this "ooo look PP can be an earthling AND a peg" has got me REALLY warry now, as well as having Rainbowdash be that changed and into a peg...and the fact that they seem to be calling that Glory/Sparkler hybrid Glory also is putting me off a tad...

:reaper: Kat :reaper:
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