MLPTP EVENT Pumpkins Scream in the Dead of Night! (Step #4 Discussion)

aw man, this one is tough. there is a pumpkin patch down the road from my house, but.... NONE of them around here has bails of hay... so it will be just the ponies and the pumkins.
I hope we can use a regular road side pumkin patch. I wouldn't know where to find a authentic pumpkin patch around here.

I'm sure it will be fine, as long as there are several real pumkins in the pic :D
a Pumpkin patch!?! are you kidding me! I don't think i've ever seen one in my life either!!
how does one go about finding said pumpkin patch?
for those in the US. if you're in an area that has a Corn Maze - they might also have a pumpkin patch .(the one I 'm goign to does)...and many, but not all have websites :) (for the corn maze part - and if they say they're selling pumpkins or if they say they have a pumpkin patch then viola
and at least for others there are half/aka sneaky points for using pumpkins at the store ;)
I just googled pumpkin patch and corn maze for my area. There is one in my province, about 5 or 6 hrs away.
I guess I'm going for sneaky points this time...
LOL this one is going to be interesting. Growing up we always had pumpkin and water melons in our garden, my mother was obsessed with growing them, unfortunately my pet goat was obsessed with eating was like war of the worlds over the vine patch. I don't think mum ever got to eat any of her own home grown pumpkins or watermelons LOL.

Cannibalcow have you got potatoes or something like that? You'd get sneaky points I'd like with a substitution since Wolfie knows Norway is pretty well pumpkin free....for the rest of you I think the local greengrocers are going to be in undated with G3s.:hysterical:

The title of this thread by the way is hysterical! Oh Skig you crack me up.
I've revised the step to accept store pumpkins and roadside pumpkins. Hopefully that helps. Please see the edit.
hehe, Cant say Ive ever seen a pumpkin patch...... though a whole bunch of pumpkins at the store is like a patch too isnt it? :lol:

yes yes! i will do the same, i have never seen a real pumpkin patch! but no matter, I will go to the market and look for a bunch of that pumpkins i can find there and pic it! hohohoho :pumpk1: will go tomorrow I love either that market cause theres a lot of "day of the deads" candies, skelletons, etc :0310:

And everybody here, includes my family and friends are waiting to see what am i going to do next because of the hunt! :pumpkin2:
i didnt see this revised when i took my pic. i too have never been to a real pumpkin patch, cause you can get them at the store. i also have no clue where one is in my city. but i got it done.
Wow! you guys have such deep bright orange pumpkins!

BBD I liked your photo, but those pumpkins are huge. LOL fancy lifting one of those into your shopping trolley!
There's a farmer on the corner near a place I use to board at that always sells hay, straw and pumpkins. I've never stopped in there, but I was curious what he gets for hay. He always has pumpkins and gords stacked up in colorful displays around his wrap around porch and driveway along with those big inflatable monsters that got popular a couple years ago. It's like a christmas display, but done for halloween. I put my G3's in one pocket, camera in the other, and was fortunate to encounter the young daughter, who didn't care about my photography, but was curious what it was for. I just said "a contest". What a chicken I am, eh? She led me over to what she told me was the "prettiest" pumpkin and round bale display and I took my pictures, then she got her dad and we talked hay. Win - win for me! (unfortunately, I found their hay is twice what I'm paying for squares elsewhere, and lower quality. ah well)
well, my g3s are packed away in the closet. i had one accessible, others i would have to take things out to fish out another or two. now my g1s i can get to. they're in my room on my dresser, shelves and a tub in front of my bed.
So I lug my jack-o-lantern to work with me, along with my camera and ponies. I was late for work because my Blazer kept trying to die on me until it warmed up... when I was almost there. And my jack looked really awesome... 'til it rolled over on the way to work and pieces busted out of it. Meh... But it's still carved!