MLPTP EVENT Soon It Will Be Too Late, Bobbing for Apples Can Wait (Bonus #3 Discussion)

how many of these require us to buy something just for the pony to pose for a pic? that means i need to buy apples, 4 apples, to take this pic. i like apples, but i dont eat them too much. i think i saw some at the .99 cent store when i was there yesterday hunting down the pie challenge.
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Yum, I love apples. Just took my pic, tho Applejack sorta looks like a drowning victim :p
i hope i dont get points knock off, they didnt say the ponies had to float, so i didnt. it looked funny with mine floating...
i hope i dont get points knock off, they didnt say the ponies had to float, so i didnt. it looked funny with mine floating...

This step said: A photo of any pony bobbing for REAL apples. Pony must be IN the water with at least FOUR apples.

I took that to mean the pony had to look like it was bobbing for apples in the water. Hope that was right :)

I saw this step and started mentally counting how many of the apples from the bag I'd eaten. I found 5 in the fridge, one a bit wrinkly, but I plopped them all in the water bucket and went for it. One is hiding behind my hand in the photo I chose. But the problem in setting this one up is the dobes though this was a neat new water bucket with toys in it. That's Zev giving me a hand with making it look authentic :D
I have to admit as well, it would be nice if the rest of the photos didn't include purchasing something... I know people will argue that, thats part of the challenge, or most people have apples in their home already but... well, I'm in college with a part time job. Pumpkin pie and apples, aren't exactly my top priorities for spending cash on.

This is my first time in the hunt, so I wasn't sure what to expect. :lol:
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I have to admit as well, it would be nice if the rest of the photos didn't include purchasing something... I know people will argue that, thats part of the challenge, or most people have apples in their home already but... well, I'm in college with a part time job. Pumpkin pie and apples, aren't exactly my top priorities for spending cash on.

This is my first time in the hunt, so I wasn't sure what to expect. :lol:

Its my first time too. I ha no clue what to expect either. it is fun though, i do have to admit that.
Its my first time too. I ha no clue what to expect either. it is fun though, i do have to admit that.

ditto. but for some who dont have much or any money to spend, is kinda hard. harder since no one is buying things from me on here and what i have on craigslist. can't they bo like whatever you have in your own. kinda like a real scavenger hunt. thats what i tell people, its for a photo required scavenger hunt.
yeah, it doesn't make much sense when you are spending more money on buying the things that are needed in the pictures than it would cost you to buy the same ponies on your own. Really sucks the fun out of it =/
Well I was lucky I went for the apples at shopping the other day rather than the bananas. I usually only buy two apples, but as luck would have it I bought a whole bag.

Personally I don't mind buying things for the challenges as i'm only in it for the fun and not to win a prize. But I totally understand if you're on a budget and can't afford it.
*speaking as a member here, and not a mod*

I'm not playing this year, but last year I did a couple of the steps, and for those of you new to the game and wondering, most of the steps did NOT require many "props" that needed to be purchased. You'll see.

However, this game is modeled for Halloween fun, and it is designed to be challenging, to put your creativity to use, so there are going to be steps like this one. Personally, I'd be glad it's not requiring a block of gold. It's all in good fun. :0310:

Am I mistaken in getting a vibe that some of you are unhappy with this? I have to say it's a little disheartening reading those comments.

Notice how every photo has it's own hilarious touch to it done by each member? I think that's because we have some awesome people here who can take those really good thought-out steps that are open to that creativity and interpretation, and not just "Take a picture of a pony with a pumpkin" you know? It takes a lot of time and thought to get those ideas. If it was "take a photo of a pony with ___" then the pictures would all be the same and it'd really be no fun for anyone.

I guess what I'm really trying to say is this is all for fun, and can't we have fun without getting every point possible? If it's all about the points and prizes, then I'm certain you're not having the fun you could be.

I'd say if you can't afford one of the props, try for some sneaky points, use what you have, you know, have fun! You may not get the points, but at least you'll be playing and using your creativity, which I think is what this is all about!
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Yep Claire is right I've done the hunt too many years ago and I had a super tight budget then so I had to use what I had. It meant I had to go for sneaky points sometimes but that's okay it was still a lot of fun! Do what you can if you haven't got something think outside the square, no apples well how about tennis balls? Or oranges? Okay so you only get sneaky points but points are points and you're still getting to join in.

Right? Chin up guys, be creative and have fun.
I'm enjoying it as part of the challenge!! yes money is tight right now, but so far this has been *food* so we can *eat* it when we're done ;) and it's halloween so I'm sure other things can be used in decorations later.
I don't mean to depress or upset anyone, with my comments.
But it doesn't help that I don't like pumpkin pie OR apples. :lol:

As I said, it's my first time so I had no clue what to expect.
As SoSoftClaire mentioned, I'll probably try for sneaky points now.
And no, I'm not in it for the prizes. I enjoy photography, so I wanted to try something new.
Right, right, I must try to be creative!
Maybe I should focus on taking the most ridiculous photos I can create. :hysterical:
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I think its about smart shopping. A pumkin Pie + Whipped cream cost me almost $15! *yikes* I wish I had shopped around a little more.

So I think from here on out, if I don't have what the photo requires I will have to do some extra thinking and perhaps start hitting up the Wal Mart super center instead of the grocery store. :lol:

B/c with the way bugdets are right now, it may not be the best time for frivilous spending for a lot of people, including myself.

Good to know there's always sneaky points!! Like has been said, it should all be about fun :D
That's it Julie! How about a pony bobbing for computer keys? LOL....

We aren't knocking any of you just pointing out that you don't have to buy anything. If it's going to be a problem if you do then improvise, be sneaky.
Hello im getting fun too, sometimes I had to think about for examples where to get the apples? then I went with my grandma and got 5 apples from her fruitcase hihiih and then I returned it, I went with my aunt too and got the bowl to put the apples,
I couldnt participate on the pie one but my aunt gave an idea to buy a little pie from the grocery store we have here next door and put the pony in it no matter if its not a real big pumpkin pie, uuh she told me that today
but please dont get stressed we are having fun! lets be creative! like one girl ( will edit with the name, im going out right now, but will be back in some hours) she didnt get the black cat and used her dog! that was a very nice pic!
Skyflier's pic is excellent! I love the Mommy and Daddy Apple Delight idea. :lol:

I'm still deciding who I will be sending in after apples!